The Consular focuses on the goal of achieving peace and harmony through positive discourse. Followers of this career try to avoid physical conflict whenever possible. Instead, they have faith in the Force to fuel basic compassion in all sentient beings. They believe that it is always more effective to have an intelligent discussion about a problem and then solve it through negotiations and other peaceful means than to engage in conflict to resolve it. They are opposed to needless violence but know that when confronting true evil, they must be willing to take decisive action. A Consular prides himself in knowing when to speak words of peace, and when the time for words is over.
Followers of this career are not Jedi Consular of the now-fallen Republic, but they do embrace some of the same philosophies and practices. During the time of the Galactic Civil War, Consulars are a relatively rare breed. Imperial negotiations are most commonly handled through a position of vastly superior military might. Consequently, the Empire has little use for their peaceful approaches.
In contrast, the Rebel Alliance has a far greater need for Consulars. As the various smaller Rebel groups come into contact with one another, they need negotiators capable of building a foundation for an alliance. Consulars have helped build the foundations for the fight for freedom, bringing groups of diverse backgrounds and needs together and joining them in common cause against injustice.
Even as the Rebel Alliance becomes a well-established entity, the need for Consulars continues. Maintaining the Rebellion’s push against the Empire requires assistance from a broad range of different groups. Consulars are capable of working with planetary governments—and even large corporations—to procure the equipment necessary to maintain and grow the Rebellion. They are also instrumental in persuading worlds to risk attempts at throwing off the shackles of the Empire.
Of course, not every Consular has necessarily played a role on the galactic stage. In fact, many help settle disputes closer to home, in small villages or planetary governments. Most Consulars see helping two feuding families find peace to be as rewarding as convincing an entire world to join the fight against the Empire.
Beginning characters—particularly those who are cognizant of their Force abilities—are most likely to have learned their techniques from relatively obscure traditions. Alternatively, characters who do not recognize their abilities could be extremely competent negotiators, such as accomplished political, religious, and business leaders. Any of these individuals might unwittingly tap into their Force abilities during the course of their work. This could provide the basis for a character who denies any knowledge of Force techniques while simultaneously depending on them.