Of the 6 Career Skills, choose 3 to get a free rank. Of the 4 Specialization Skills, choose 2 to get a free rank.
Consular Career Skills: Cool, Discipline, Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (Lore), Leadership and Negotiation.
Ascetic Specialization Skills: Athletics, Discipline, Resilience and Vigilance
The Consular begins play with a Force rating of 1
There are many paths that might lead one to the role of Ascetic. Whether they are particularly sensitive and seek seclusion to contend with some failure that haunts their steps or wish to contemplate the greater role of the Force in the galaxy at large, Ascetics are individuals driven to a calmer, more contemplative approach to their life, their needs, and their place in the galaxy. They do not seek to gather credits, possessions, or laurels, but rather judge their worth by the depth of their understanding of and communion with the Force.
While most Consulars focus on the acquisition of helpful skills and abilities, Ascetics concentrate on honing their own mind to a razor focus. As a result, they are likely to have a higher strain threshold than any other Consular specialization, and they have the versatility to work their way through almost any difficulty. An Ascetic has spent a considerable time living on the fringes of society, learning to make do with whatever materials and facilities were on hand, regardless of their apparent functionality or crude construction. Ascetics may be out of practice in social interactions and interpersonal communication, but the awareness and resilience they have gained through their trials, as well as the physical strength their chosen path has earned them, can be invaluable to a group when more refined, civilized plans have failed.
An Ascetic may be found almost anywhere, from the urban wastelands and undercities of the Core Worlds to the most inhospitable and isolated corners of the Outer Rim. The distractions and demands of the outside world can jar even the most focused, powerful minds from the spiritual path. Those who retreat from the noise and the chaos follow the path of the Ascetic. There are times when even the greatest must set themselves apart, focusing on the spheres of the spirit and the mind to the exclusion of all else. By embracing isolation and hardship, many Consulars are able to realize levels of potential that more mundane training techniques could never unleash.
Many Ascetics have chosen their lonely path of deprivation and meditation to plumb the depths of a specific mystery, a troubling event in the balance of the galaxy, or a great personal failing. The growth made possible through this introspection and self-denial means that when Ascetics choose to emerge from their self-imposed exile, they are ideally suited to confront any situation, with the adaptability of hard-won experience. Often Consulars will surface from such isolation to take up a particular cause or purpose, driven from quiet contemplation of the galaxy by a troubling imbalance sensed from the depths of their serenity.
The Ascetic can well prove to be one of the most versatile characters in his group. Between his high strain threshold, demanding physical training, and versatility bred through voluntary deprivation, an Ascetic can often provide flexible, insightful leadership to his group. Although perhaps lacking in some of the more subtle social skills of other Consulars, an Ascetic knows that meditation on the Force can only take one so far. The knowledge earned through such rigorous contemplation must eventually be put to use in the galaxy at large, either through teaching or direct action, to better bring balance to the Force.
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