Of the 6 Career Skills, choose 3 to get a free rank. Of the 4 Specialization Skills, choose 2 to get a free rank.
Consular Career Skills: Cool, Discipline, Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (Lore), Leadership and Negotiation.
Sage Specialization Skills: Astrogation, Charm, Cool and Knowledge (Lore)
The Consular begins play with a Force rating of 1
Many Consulars know the universal truth: knowledge is power, and understanding a situation can give one a decisive advantage. This holds just as true when resolving disputes or negotiations as it does on the battlefield. A Sage focuses on studying the world around him, recognizing that information offers tremendous advantages to himself and his allies. He then uses that power to help change the hearts and minds of others to achieve his goals.
Sages see knowledge and understanding as the basis for long-term peace and harmony. It is their belief that hatred often springs from ignorance. When a sentient comes to appreciate the backgrounds of another being’s beliefs and practices, it becomes far easier not only accept that being but to feel compassion for him.
Some researchers may become lost in their academic pursuits, obsessing over dry facts while blind to the plight of the weak and helpless. Not so a Sage, who maintains connections to those around him via the Living Force. The Force provides a means of grounding Sages’ studies so that they keep what they learn in perspective, always mindful of how they can use their knowledge to help others.
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