Mandalorian Human

mandalorian human


Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn
Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 105 XP

Special Abilities: Mandalorians begin the game with their choice of either one rank in a combat skill of their choice, or one rank in two knowledge skills of their choice. They still may not train these skills above rank 2 during character creation.

The Mandalorians are among the most feared and recognizable combatants In the galaxy. Respected as members of the pinnacle of warrior cultures, most Mandalorians receive comprehensive combat training during adolescence While Mandalorians once united to launch great crustldes that reshaped galactic borders. they are now fractured and strewn about the galaxy, wielding little power

Mandalorians are typically humans, though their practice of adoption allows members of any species to be raised within Mandalorian culture. Despite their reputation as fearsome warriors with keen tactical minds, there are no significant biological or physiological differences between Mandalorian humans and baseline humarns. Oddly enough, there are no recorded instances of Force sensitivity appearing in Mandalorian society, though this might be owed to a lack of Jedi testing and Republic record keeping.

Mandalorian society traditionally centered around warfare. Throughout history, its members fought for both honor and credits with equal fervor. Recently, Mandalorian culture has fractured into three separate groups: The New Mandalorians, The Death Watch, and the Old Mandalorians.

The New Mandalorians followed Duchess Satine Kryze during the Clone Wars, and believed in moving Mandalorian culture beyond its warrior past. These pacifist Mandalorians believed in the potential economic power of Mandalore. built around the export of Beskar, or Mandalorian Iron. With complete control of the beskar mines, the New Mandalonans, after years of civil war, wrested concrol of their homeworld and steered their people onto a more peaceful path. Unfortunately, it was not to last.

When the New Mandalorians rose from the ashes of Mandalore's Civil War, they banished unrepentant warrior-clans to the moon of Concordia. The Death Watch is the most infamous group, known for their bloodthirsty savagery and desire for conquest. During the Clone Wars. the Death Watch returned to exact their revenge They were ultimately defeated. but members remain in hiding on Mandalore and Concordia awaiting the next call to arms

The Old Mandalorians also endured exile after the Civil War. However, rather than plot revenge on Concordia, many resettled elsewhere 1n the galaxy. Concord Dawn, Gargan Ordo and Vlemoth Port are but a few of the worlds that support Mandalorian expatriates. Here, the Mandalorians live as they have for millennia, working for the highest bidder. Old Mandalorians are considered honorable and dangerously competent amongst their deadly trade. They prioritize lheir family and clan above all else, and train as warriors from a young age.

Mandalore Is a planet scarred by years or civil war. While lush forests, lakes, and mountains once covered the planet, it 1s now predominantly barren wasteland. Inhabitants are forced to live in domed cities, such as Sundari, the capital during the reign of Duchess Kryze's New Mandalorians. Sundari enclosed one of the largest active beskar mines on Mandalore. making it a major strategic asset. Presently, the Empire has control or Mandalore, where it operates an Imperial Academy.

Mando'a is the traditional language of the Mandalorians, though most also speak fluent Basic. Mando'a is especia'ly popular among the Old Mandalorians, who find the language allows a greater degree of precision in speech when d1scussing combat. In addition to a more traditional alphabet, Mandalorians also used a set of glyphs unique to their society that adorned armor, vehicles, items, and buildings.

Mandalorians are often associated with warfare, but the New Mandalorians can be found in a variety of civilian professions, especially those that focus on technology, politics or commerce. Still, most Mandalorians in the galaxy wage war for a living. Both the Death Watch and Old Mandalorians train in all scales of warfare. Most gravitate toward work as elite commandos, relentless bounty hunters, or invisible assassins. Still, it is possible to find combat-oriented Mandalorians focused on medicine, technology, and, of course, military leadership.