Special Abilities: Lanniks begin the game with one rank in Streetwise. They still may not train Streetwise above rank 2 during character creation.
Indomitable: A Lannik removes up to caused by Critical Injuries, fear, or the disoriented condition from all checks.
The Lannik are a diminutive species native to the Mid Rim planet of the same name. Their society is one dominated by warriors, and they are no strangers to the rigors of combat. Though they may appear frail, nothing could be further from the truth. Lannik are rarely seen beyond their homeworld, despite the state of unrest that has dominated their people for thousands of years. Those who do emigrate from Lannik often ply their military and fighting skills for credits as mercenaries, soldiers, and enforcers.
Gruff and outspoken, Lannik are considered uncouth by most civilized beings. They do not mince words, saying exactly what they mean regardless of the consequences. All Lannik face their challenges head-on, preferring to resolve them at once rather than to wait for other opportunities that may never materialize. Despite their sour demeanors and propensity for war, they are nonetheless a calm people with keen, tactical minds and a unique ability for seeing combat situations from a variety of different viewpoints.
The Lannik are a small species, standing 1.2 meters tall on average. Though of short stature, Lannik are a hardy folk with a dense skeletal structure. Despite the fact that their bodies appear thin and delicate, their solid bones more than make up for their slight frames. They are often underestimated at first glance, but such misconceptions rarely last long, especially in combat. As small as they are, Lannik are as physically capable as baseline humans. Lannik rarely smile, which has given weight to the rumor that they lack the ability to do so.
Aside from their height, the most obvious physical feature of the Lannik is their long ears, which droop down on either side of their head. Lannik skin color is usually pale, with subtle tones ranging from red to orange, and from blue to purple. Their body hair tends to blend with their skin tones, while the hair on their head is localized at the top of the head and down to the nape of their neck. Warriors grow their hair long, wearing it in a traditional topknot when in service to their lieges. Noncombatants—even those trained for war who are not currently enlisted—wear their hair either short or braided.
The Lannik have always been ruled by a hereditary monarchy, and their government is largely feudal in nature. Wars have been waged constantly throughout their long history, often between Lannik houses and clans vying for political and geographical control. As such, Lannik culture is largely one of warriors, with great value placed on personal honor, integrity, bravery, and skill at arms. A period of military service is compulsory for every Lannik, and given the species’ warlike nature, it is a rare recruit who is not tempered in the fires of battle.
Wounds suffered in battle are an important aspect of every Lannik’s life. Scars are worn as badges of courage by Lannik warriors, proving that they have survived the worst their enemies have to give and lived to tell the tale. Facing overwhelming odds is something each Lannik strives for; Lannik history is filled with tales of brave warriors making the ultimate sacrifice in the name of their lord and clan. Military veterans are exalted in Lannik society, and the number of battles each has survived only adds to their renown among their people.
Much of the discord in Lannik society can be traced to their planet’s discovery by the Republic. Exposure to new technologies, business practices, and prod ucts brought about upheaval rather than stability. In turn, new political factions and alliances formed, each determined to be the one to choose how these revolutionary technologies should be meted out on their planet. Rogue houses subsequently broke off in open rebellion against the traditional monarchy. Black markets, driven by offworld criminal elements, ensured that the chaos would continue, and the Republic’s attempt to legislate trade with the Lannik only served to exacerbate the issues.
Though such matters have been settled in the millennia since, old rivalries and vendettas still simmer among the Lannik houses. As such, the world’s economy has never fully recovered. Lannik institutions, as well as unscrupulous government officials and offworld corporations, continue to fan the flames of rivalry and ensure that prosperity remains an unrealized dream. Additionally, the Galactic Empire’s rise to power has stifled what little trade the Lannik once engaged in.
Lannik is an isolated world with a varied ecology. Rocky, inhospitable deserts dominate the equatorial regions, while mountainous highlands stand above vast forests to the north and south. Discovered by the Republic’s Duros explorers over fifteen thousand years ago, Lannik has nonetheless been cut off from much of the galaxy due in no small part to its people’s warlike nature. Though Lannik does not lack for natural resources, its people are reluctant to allow offworlders to profit at their expense.
Lannik settlements align themselves with a noble house and are built around that house’s central citadel, which can be easily defended during times of war. In turn, these noble houses band together under strong and powerful lords, who ultimately owe their allegiance to the ruling monarch. The noble houses rarely remain at peace for long, and the monarchy allows them to compete militarily in order to prevent ill will from festering and boiling over into open warfare. Despite this political pressure valve, war is always a looming threat among the Lannik.
The technology level of the Lannik is relatively low. Their world has few legal imports and exports and is effectively cut off from the rest of the galaxy. Melee weapons and slugthrowers are about as advanced as their military technology gets, and transportation consists of ridden beasts of burden. As such, the planet of Lannik remains mostly environmentally pristine and uncontaminated by pollutants.
The Lannik speak a highly nuanced language filled with harsh consonants. Although offworlders refer to it as “Lannik,” the Lannik call their language “Toffar,” roughly translated as “the speech.” In the millennia since their discovery by the Republic, the Lannik have integrated bits and pieces of Basic into their language. Despite this, the Lannik tongue is largely unintelligible to nonnative speakers. Lannik easily learn to speak Basic, though their isolation ensures that most of them have little opportunity to do so.
Because of their love of warfare against insurmountable odds, Lannik warriors have flocked to the banner of the Rebel Alliance, the obvious underdog in the galactic conflict. The Alliance, in turn, has welcomed the Lannik with open arms, for the small, grim warriors are highly experienced and incredibly adept in matters of strategy. As such, Lannik make excellent Commanders and Soldiers, though their propensity for facing impossible odds has occasionally resulted in the loss of entire units in desperate holding actions.
The Lannik have a strong sense of honor that pervades their society at every level. Though it is based on a warrior’s creed, the Lannik use it to guide their actions in times of peace and in relation to their non-military professions. To Lanniks, their integrity is the most important aspect of their being, and it feeds into every task they attempt. To lose one’s integrity is to lose one’s soul.
For Lanniks who survive battle, the wounds they suffer represent honors that can never be taken away from them. Indeed, Lannik medicinal practices foster the formation of impressive-some would say gruesome—scars. Lost limbs or other debilitating injuries are accepted with grim determination. Lanniks never choose to replace what they have lost with prosthetics or cybernetic implants.