


Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn
Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 90 XP

Special Abilities: Ithorians begin the game with one rank in Survival. They still may not train Survival above rank 2 during character creation.

Ithorian Bellow: With two mouths and four throats, Ithorians have a unique natural weapon they can call upon when threatened (Resilience; Damage 6; Critical 4; Range [Short]; Blast 3, Concussive 1, Slow-Firing 2, Stun Damage). Each time they use this ability, they suffer 3 strain.

Sometimes referred to by the nickname “Hammerheads" (although not by choice), Ithorians are easily recognizable thanks to their unusual head structure and vocal apparatus. Ithorians are often seen as the caretakers of the galaxy, both within their own culture and by others who recognize the dedication that Ithorians show toward preserving all forms of life and growth.

Ithorians are large by the standards of many species, typically ranging from 1.8 to 2.5 meters in height, although they are usually lean of body, limbs, and digits. Their neck and head contribute considerably toward their size, emerging from the top of the torso in a continuous curve that ends with a protrusion not unlike the head of a primitive hammer—hence the nickname. Their eyes are on opposite sides of their head, and mouths are similarly placed on each side of their neck, near the join with the torso. These dual mouths are attached to four throats, granting the Ithorians unique vocal talents and even the capacity to create powerful sonic “bellows.”

Ithorian society revolves around the concept of "Mother Jungle, ” the spiritual representation and ideal of the Ithorian homeworld of Ithor. In order to keep their native planet as close to this ideal as possible, the Ithorians dedicate vast effort to protecting and preserving Ithor’s natural state. Rather than dwelling on the surface of their world, the Ithorians live on massive repulsorlift cities, known as “herd-ships, ” which allow them to keep the jungle free of the detritus of everyday life, while still having access to the beauty and splendor of their world.

This approach to life extends far beyond Ithor itself. Ithorian colonies and extraplanetary social groupings are organized into extended family groupings, or herds, that are led by Force-sensitive priests who teach the doctrine of preservation and reverence for Mother Jungle. The species has thus far managed to keep Ithorian culture intact, despite the Empire’s purge of Force-sensitives, by yielding to extortion for Ithorian advanced agricultural techniques.

Many herds fear what the Empire might do when Imperial scholars have learned their fill of Ithorian techniques, but there is little they can do without destroying the culture they wish to preserve. Ithorians within their native society are almost universally pacifists, and the few members of the species inclined toward violent solutions to problems are typically exiled from their homes. Practicing non-lethal self-defense is not uncommon (usually by means of the species’ sonic bellows), but Ithorians prefer first and foremost to prevent conflicts from occurring at all, achieving this through negotiation or compromise. Members of other species who do not meet their first Ithorian by dealing with an ill-tempered exile usually encounter Ithorians when they are acting as neutral parties seeking to alleviate ecological damage or treat wounds brought about by the wars of other cultures.

The lush, tropical world of Ithor is considered one of the most beautiful worlds in the galaxy, and it remains so due to the careful tending of the natives. Pollution and litter are entirely unknown on Ithor, thanks to the limiting of nearly all habitation to floating cities in the planet’s sky. Ithorians may instead choose to dwell on the world’s surface, becoming hermits who attend to the jungle’s needs and binding their lives even more closely with their beloved Mother Jungle.

The Ithorian language is a marvel of complex, stereoscopic sounds almost impossible to reproduce without the species’ multiple throats. Even without factoring in the biological difficulties in reproducing the language, its tonal variations and intricacies make it one of the most difficult to learn in the galaxy.

Most Force-sensitive Ithorians serve as priests of Mother Jungle, leading and educating their herds, or working to aid a more senior priest. Some served as Jedi in the time of the Republic, but many more remained with their own people to further their cultural ideals. Ithorian Jedi were highly regarded for their devotion to peace, and many became exceptionally skilled diplomats and healers.

As the Force is so closely bound to life itself, Ithorians consider Force sensitivity a wondrous gift and a sign of oneness with Mother Jungle. The Ithorian ideals of pacifism, self-sacrifice, and preservation of life mean that dark side Force users are virtually unheard of in the species, although any Force-sensitives among them who are exiled risk falling exceptionally quickly if they do not learn to adapt to their new circumstances.

Violence is anathema to Ithorian society, and any Ithorian who shows too much interest in weapons or fighting is shunned by others of the species. Those who actually attack another being outside of self-defense, or, worse yet, kill someone, are exiled for their violation of the ideals of Mother Jungle.

Many Ithorian exiles keep some of the teachings of Mother Jungle in their heart, but many more become embittered by being cast out of the only life they have known, bereft of friends and family. They become especially resentful if they acted for what they saw as a good reason, such as to protect another or to stop a worse act from being committed. This bitterness can fester and make even normally pleasant Ithorians into truly unsavory characters. Some turn to spice, while others decide to continue with the acts of violence that led to their exile.

In the rare instances in which Ithorian Force-sensitives act violently, they are not given special treatment or dispensation because of their status— if anything, they are held to a higher and more stringent standard. As such, they rapidly move from being revered pillars of the community to detested exiles. Force-sensitive exiles who cannot make sense of what has happened to them risk letting their confusion turn to anger and hate, and falling to the influence of the dark side.