


Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 90 XP

Special Abilities: Iktotchi begin the game with one rank in Vigilance. They still may not train Vigilance above rank 2 during character creation.

Precognition: Iktotchi occasionally see glimpses of the future, letting them predict certain events even before they occur. In addition to seeing flashes of the future at the GM’s discretion, an Iktotchi may spend [1 Triumph] on a check to determine Initiative to perform a free maneuver before the encounter begins or to have an ally in short range perform a free maneuver before the encounter begins.

Hailing from the Expansion Region, Iktotchi are immediately recognizable by the downwards-curving horns that sprout from the sides of their heads. Despite their distinct and memorable physical appearance, their species is most renowned for a trait not visible to the naked eye: precognition. Their seemingly supernatural precognitive abilities once made the Iktotchi particularly interesting to both the old Jedi Order and to various organizations as top-tier pilots. Despite their potent gifts, few Iktotchi leave their world to interact with outsiders.

On a basic level, Iktotchi follow what many consider to be a standard pattern for sentients in the galaxy: two legs, two arms, and a head, all connected by a torso. They stand approximately 1.8 meters high on average, and typically have a brown, orange, or pink hue to their skin. In modern society, their twin horns serve no major practical purpose. The horns of male Iktotchi tend to grow larger than those of female Iktotchi, though this is by no means an exact indicator of any individual’s sex or gender. Should an Iktotchi’s horns become damaged, they grow back over time in most cases. Also notable are their hands, which are almost half again as large as those of most similarly sized species, with relatively thick fingers. Members of the species enjoy a ninety-year life expectancy, given ideal conditions.

Iktotchi possess precognitive abilities that they can hone through training, although these are considerably reduced in effectiveness away from their homeworld, the desolate moon called Iktotch. Some Iktotchi have also been reported to possess telepathic capabilities, but whether these Iktotchi actually have a gift for reading minds or can simply extrapolate others’ thoughts by perceiving the future remains unclear to xenobiologists. To the Iktotchi themselves, for whom time does not appear as linear as it does to most other species, the practical distinction between clairvoyance and telepathy is often blurry or irrelevant. Most humans do not seek to understand the biological principles that allow their eyes to transform light into coherent images; to most Iktotchi, precognition is as important yet mundane as sight. Iktotchi who hone their gift of foresight can grow extremely skilled as seers, however, and often hold positions of prestige in society.

Iktotchi society can be disconcerting to outsiders, especially if they come unprepared for its unique quirks. Although Iktotchi still use spoken language, the capacity to know what others will say before they say it means Iktotchi society is disturbingly quiet to members of most other species. Nonnatives used to livelier gatherings may find the hushed conversations of the Iktotchi offputting. Additionally, the gift of precognition makes direct confrontation far less prevalent in society. Interpersonal and military conflicts are resolved in the mind’s eye rather than through force of arms, and most Iktotchi are cautious in action.

The Iktotchi have enjoyed a unified, representatively-democratic government for almost their entire history. Apart from appearing threatening and unapproachable to outsiders (and being banned from most gambling halls across the galaxy), the Iktotchi enjoy a positive reputation. Their world and society are known for their relative tranquility in a tumultuous galaxy. In fact, despite their fearsome appearance, most Iktotchi choose not to venture out into the wider, more dangerous galaxy when offered a chance to leave placid Iktotch.

With the (to the Iktotchi, unsurprising) advent of the Empire, almost all Iktotchi returned to their homeworld, where giant orbital stations were built to accommodate the sudden influx of returning citizens. Since then, the Iktotchi have developed an isolationist policy, and the Empire has been content to leave them to their own devices rather than deal with their strange abilities on the galactic stage.

The Iktotchi homeworld is a moon named Iktotch, which orbits around the gas giant Iktotchon. Locat￾ed within the Narvath sector of the Expansion Region, the moon’s days are twenty-two hours long, and an Iktotchian year comprises 418 days. Arid, rocky, and windy, the moon can seem a harsh environment to newcomers, but the Iktotchi themselves are well adapted to the climate and find it comfortable. The moon’s gravity falls within a standard deviation of the norm, and the weather is reasonably fair, aside from the frequent windstorms. One surprising feature of the moon is a large Republic crest, visible from space. This massive symbol is preserved as a remnant from the days when the ancient Iktotchi foresaw the arrival of the Old Republic vessel that would offer them the chance to join the Republic. These forebears responded accordingly, carving the symbol to welcome the representatives of the Republic.

Iktotchi speak Iktotchese to each other. In comparison to many other tongues, Iktotchese is a fairly straightforward language. It lacks the variance and complex double meanings found in most other tongues. Xenolinguists tend to assume this stems from the fact that the precognitive Iktotchi can see through most misdirections and duplicity. Despite its relative simplicity, the language is complete, though it often incorporates loan-words, especially after contact with the Old Republic. Iktotchi typically have no difficulty learning and communicating in Basic.

The Iktotchi have a long tradition of seers who hone their innate precognitive abilities, which the Jedi Order took a particular interest in when Iktotch joined the Old Republic. The Jedi soon discovered that even rudimentary training in the Force increases the potency of an Iktotchi’s innate precognitive abilities dramatically.

To the Iktotchi, many things that might seem random to others are actually very predictable. The concept of gambling, for instance, is strange to many Iktotchi, as the outcome of the roll of a chance cube hardly seems like “chance” at all. Though most Iktotchi cannot easily see far or accurately enough into the future to guarantee that they win at games of chance (or more important contests), Iktotchi are far less likely to be caught completely off guard by turns of fate than their compatriots. Thus, they are frequently surprised to find their companions flat-footed in the face of danger.

Iktotchi who spend years or decades away from their people grow far more accustomed to the company of sentients who rarely, if ever, foresee the outcomes of future events. Some intentionally delay their own reactions to harmless surprises for the benefit of their friends, while others revel in watching those around them stumble through unforeseen events. Though their ability is far from infallible and does not work in all cases, most Iktotchi can often foresee the outcomes of minor events that seem random to others. This ability tends to draw the suspicion of casino owners, whether or not an individual Iktotchi is actually cheating.