


Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 110 XP

Special Abilities: Humans start the game with one rank in two different non-career skills of their choice. They still may not train these skills above rank 2 at character creation.

Ubiquitous and dominant, Humans are found throughout the galaxy. The Empire believes humans to be the rightful rulers of all civilization; the Alliance feels differently, yet most of the leadership of even this egalitarian organization is made up of humans. They are the least homogenous and most active species in known space. Where they go, things happen.

Averaging 1.8 meters in height (with females averaging slightly shorter), humans are mammalian bipeds with an internal biology that handles a wide variety of oxygenated environments well. Their mostly hairless skin spans a wide range of color from very dark to very light; most range in the pale-tan to dark brown colors, but there are distinctive variants, especially among those offshoots considered nearhuman. As omnivores, humans have a wide range of available food sources, as well.

Though the Empire would make it otherwise, humans are far too diverse and widespread throughout the galaxy to represent a single society. Every form of government ever devised can be found in places where humans choose to live, and economic and sociological differences are just as varied. Although humans helped advance technological developments throughout known space, human cultures living as true primitives exist as well. Generally, humans yearn for independence and self-determination, yet there are countless billions who gladly subjugate themselves under tyrannical rule for the promise of prosperity and security.

Scholars continue to debate which of the Core Worlds actually stands as the true human homeworld; most claim it has to be Coruscant. Others are convinced humans did not even originate in the Core, instead coming from far away on sleeper or generation ships long before the advent of hyperdrive technology. Regardless, they now dominate the Core and are spread throughout the galaxy, claiming many worlds as their homes.

Basic was originated by humans, and with their ubiquity came the widespread use of it as a connecting language for the entire galaxy. Numerous human societies have variants and dialects, and there are entire human civilizations that have distinct languages with no connection to Basic at all.

The inherent diversity of humans extends to their roles, careers, specializations, and chosen Duties with the Alliance. The only constant is the lack of consistency where humans are concerned; they are likely to pursue any path and have any set of goals driving them. The unifying factor is their desire to oppose the Empire, along with all of the other species who resist.