Population: 1.5 Billion
Terrain: Caves, Deserts, Mountains, Plains
Orbital Metrics: 305 days per year / 30 hours per day
Languages: Twi'leki, Lekku (non-verbal head-tail cornmunication), Basic, Huttese
Major Cities: Lessu (capital), Kala'uun. Roancu
Areas of Interest: Ryll Spice Mines. Floating Rock Gardens
Major Exports: Slaves, Ryll Spice
Major Imports: Consumables, Luxary Goods, Medicines, Technology
Astronavigation Data
Trade Routes: Corellian Run, Death Wind Corridor (for spice runs)
For millennia, the Twi'leks of Ryloth have managed to navigate the gray areas of galactic law and structure their economy around two commodities for which there is always a demand; slavery and spice. Experts at negotiation, Twi'leks clan lords skirt anti-slavery legislation by indenturing lower caste Twi'leks through "free will" contracts, slavery in all but name. While such habits skirt galactic law, many otherwise law-abiding cultures are only too happy to turn a blind eye to this practice in order to obtain Twi'lek slaves.
Spice saved the Twi'leks from becoming a permanent underclass to other species. Thousands of years ago, vast deposits of ryll spice were discovered on Ryloth. Mined from blooms below the surface, ryll could be used as the active agent in both medicines and narcotics. Suddenly, Ryloth had another resource valuable to the galaxy. The clans exploited the spice themselves rather than outsourcing the labor. As a result, Twi'lek slaves became a much rarer commodity, and fetched higher prices without depleting Ryloth's population.
Visitors to the planet find it a world of harsh conditions. Much of the terrain is rocky and barren, blighted by Ryloth's sun. Tremendous heat storms roll across the surface without warning, allowing only the hardiest of creatures, like the armored lylek, to survive. The weather is more temperate around the equator, where most Twi'lek settlements are located, including the capital city of Lessu. Those Twi'leks who choose to live elsewhere find shelter either below-the surface or shielded behind mountain rock, in cavernous cities like Kala'uun and Roancu.
As Ryloth's economy is primarily based on exports there is little indigenous industry, and almost all technology is imported. However, the Twi'leks are not technophobes; they prefer to maintain their position in the galactic community through bargaining and trade.
As anti-alien prejudice grows in the galaxy, the Twi'leks, given their similarities to humans, manage to dilute its impact on Ryloth by ingratiating themselves with Imperial officials. One executive of Sienar Fleet Systems found himself visiting Ryloth so frequently he built corporate offices in Kala'uun's caves.
Ryll Spice
Though weaker than glitterstim, ryll can still be a dangerous and addictive substance, causing hallucinations and memory loss. Both the Republic and the Empire placed restrictions on its use, licensing it only to pharmaceutical companies for the production of painkillers and anesthetics. The Twi'lek clans claim they mine ryll for legally approved entities, but that does not explain the millions of shipments that go missing every year. The clans keep the pharmaceutical companies happy by either offering cut-rate prices or adding "a little extra" to the orders.