Technician Obligations

Random Obligation Generator

Recommended default starting obligation (based on party size)

  • 2 Players: 20 Obligation
  • 3 Players: 15 Obligation
  • 4 Players: 10 Obligation
  • 5 Players: 10 Obligation
  • 6+ Players: 5 Obligation
Click button below to generate a random obligation


The PC has an Obligation to keep a work crew or ship’s complement safe, healthy, and in work. Whether or not the PC usually travels with the work crew, this character serves as a mediator between the crew and outside individuals. The PC might owe the debt due from a time the crew saved the PC’s career or even life through hard work and sacrifice.


The PC has a pressing contract to fulfill, whether it is legally binding or an informal deal. The contract may be for providing, installing, or repairing technical items or on-call services. Fulfilling terms of the contract reduces the character’s Obligation, while putting them off or incurring additional expenses for the sake of fulfilling the contract might increase it.


Someone has discovered one of the PC’s dirty secrets through slicing or other technical means. The blackmailer has possession of evidence damaging to the PC’s business, family, or organization. The evidence is most likely stolen technical data, such as electronic records, holovid recordings, sensor data, maintenance records, secret computer codes, or similar tech-related items. To keep the secret safe, the PC must keep the blackmailer happy, possibly through payments or granting favors. The blackmailer is cunning enough to maintain just enough of a threat to keep benefiting from the situation, but not so much that the PC decides to allow the release of the evidence or to hunt down the blackmailer to permanently put an end to the danger the information poses.


The PC has an active bounty, earned during an attempt to expose the workings of a criminal or corrupt organization. The PC might have acquired evidence of the organization’s misdeeds from databanks through slicing or other technical skulduggery and then attempted to take the information public, whether this meant presenting it to the authorities or broadcasting it via pirated HoloNet feed. The character’s background and specialization can both provide additional ideas as to the reason for the bounty.


The character has a criminal record or is accused of a crime (rightly or wrongly), most likely for using technology illegally or providing the means for another to do so. Though the PC is not currently in custody, there are outstanding warrants for the PC’s arrest. The PC might seek to settle this Obligation by paying ongoing legal costs or fines, burying evidence, or convincingly demonstrating innocence in the matter.


The PC owes someone a great deal, whether in money, goods, or services. The character may owe this group or individual for loans used to pay for training, buy new equipment, or start a business. Paying off the debt may be difficult due to the sheer credits value in question, as a result of the constant accrual of interest that must be paid off, or because of both. The debt might even extend beyond financial obligation, especially if the PC also has a personal relationship with the lender.

Failed Installation/Repair

A botched modification, installation, or repair job has publicly damaged the character’s reputation and rendered the device, droid, or vehicle inoperable. The PC must take action to restore the damaged item, and then find a way to socially engineer a return to good standing in the public eye.


The character’s family demands great deal of time and attention, not just emotionally but also in some technical capacity. The PC might be the only member of the family able to take care of vital machinery that sustains the family’s livelihood, food, water, or even air supply, if they live on a space station or in a hostile planetary environment. Though performing routine maintenance can help keep this Obligation in check, the PC must seek to engineer a long-term solution—one that does not require constant personal intervention—to remove this Obligation completely.


The character owes someone a big favor. Perhaps a government agent looked the other way after catching the character slicing corporate computers. Perhaps a fellow Technician faked a malfunction or loss of data to cover for a failure on the PC’s part. The magnitude of the favor is connected to the amount of Obligation. The Obligation could take an extended amount of time to clear, as it might be reduced by many small actions.

Unfinished Business

The PC is working on a long-term project such as a complex computer program or a light freighter refit. It may be personal or commissioned work. While long breaks may be acceptable, the Obligation cannot be totally fulfilled until the unfinished business is complete, and it weighs heavily on the PC’s mind whenever the character chooses to postpone working on it for any reason.


The PC has an unhealthy obsession with technology, droids, or computers that constantly interferes with efforts to live a normal life. Whether it is repairing a prized droid, designing the next great piece of cybernetic technology, or inventing a device that defines the era, the character has a continual need to pursue this interest. Accomplishing significant tasks to further this goal helps to reduce the character’s Obligation.


The character feels a strong sense of accountability to or responsibility for a person, place, or thing. It might be to a business, social group, political movement, group of friends, or individual from the PC’s past. The character might feel responsibility toward a mentor or an apprentice. Taking care of major tasks that help fulfill this responsibility reduces the character’s Obligation.