Seeker Moralities

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Emotional Strength: Bravery

When action is needed, there is no hesitation despite the dangers. The character puts aside any fears before acting, whether navigating a ship through hazardous routes or engaging in combat against formidable foes.

Emotional Weakness: Recklessness

While bravery is admirable, refusing to properly analyze a situation before acting is not. The character often leaps to act when more forethought would lead to other, more prudent decisions.


Emotional Strength: Love

The character is open to love and can cherish the happiness of others. An open heart greatly aids the PC when interacting with others, and can lead to strong emotional bonds.

Emotional Weakness: Jealousy

Love can become twisted, especially when one party does not feel it is properly reciprocated. The character becomes insecure and resentful, lashing out at any perceived rivals.


Emotional Strength: Caution

The character gives care and attention to every decision, judging all aspects of a situation before undertaking any action. By thinking ahead, the PC avoids many poor outcomes.

Emotional Weakness: Fear

Excessive caution can easily become lost to fear. The PC becomes consumed with the potential dangerous outcomes of decisions and actively seeks to avoid or even actively flee conflict of any kind.


Emotional Strength: Enthusiasm

Life experiences are to be eagerly embraced. The character is always open to exploring new areas, meeting new people, and attempting new tasks, lest the PC miss out on something.

Emotional Weakness: Disarray

In a rush of enthusiastic energy, there is little attempt to truly appreciate or master any one item. The character is easily diverted whenever a new attraction appears, often leaving tasks incomplete or threats unresolved.


Emotional Strength: Empathy

The character easily understands and even feels the emotions of those nearby, even when they are guarding their true feelings. Knowing how their actions affect others, the character is careful to treat others with kindness and dignity.

Emotional Weakness: Vengeance

Caring overly for others, especially victims, can lead the character to desire revenge against those who made them suffer. Only when such targets are tracked down and brought low can balance be restored.


Emotional Strength: Assertiveness

In all things, the character is quite determined and steadfast. No matter the situation, the PC shows no hint of idleness or weakness in speech or action, only firm conviction.

Emotional Weakness: Obstinacy

Firm convictions can mask an excessively stubborn nature that pushes aside any hesitation about or reflection upon a desired goal. The PC’s mind never changes once committed, even in light of contradictory evidence.


Emotional Strength: Curiosity

The galaxy is filled with wonders, and the goal of any sentient should be to explore and expand understanding of everything it presents. The character is always interested in learning new things and visiting new locations.

Emotional Weakness: Obsession

Inquisitiveness about new things leads to intense examination of a single subject or item. The character often turns an interest into an obsession to the exclusion of all else, and the object of obsession drives the PC’s existence.


Emotional Strength: Pride

The character is rightfully proud of hard-earned abilities and accomplishments. Many years have likely been spent in training, study, and meditation; few can say they are the PC’s equal.

Emotional Weakness: Disdain

Pride in one’s self turns dark, and the character views others with utter contempt and scorn. None are worthy of the PC’s company; they seem to exist only stand in the way.


Emotional Strength: Independence

Self-reliance is the watchword, for depending on others is a sign of weakness. Often refusing aid, the character never counts on others when an action can be performed personally.

Emotional Weakness: Arrogance

A lifetime of independent, successful action breeds a smug and egotistical outlook in the character. None are as able as the PC, and this overconfidence can easily lead to catastrophe.


Emotional Strength: Ambition

The character has set goals, some of which might take years to achieve. With each accomplishment there is another step towards an ultimate reward and the satisfaction of attainment.

Emotional Weakness: Cold-heartedness

The drive needed to reach these goals can make the character set aside any concepts of compassion. Only the PC’s own personal goals matter, with little care if any others are broken and cast aside as he rises.


Emotional Strength: Justice

The character lives to see wrongdoers punished and their deeds undone. Seeking to make things right regardless of the situation or obstacles, the character often acts as arbiter of a personal code.

Emotional Weakness: Mercilessness

The quest for justice can turn the character away from concepts of pity or remorse. The PC is concerned only with laws or a personal code, no matter the situation or mitigating factors.


Emotional Strength: Discipline

The character is focused on internal mental and physical regimens. Few decisions or actions are made without thought. Such is the PC’s control that these are rarely made in haste or for poor reasons.

Emotional Weakness: Closed-mindedness

Studious discipline, however, can bring about intolerance and disregard for outside input. When deciding a course of action, the character often refuses any outside ideas that might deviate from firm internal viewpoints.