Mystic Moralities

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Emotional Strength: Compassion

Mystic compassion is different, representing a universal compassion, a love for all life, from the lowly worm to the most noble of philosophers. All beings belong with the Force and all deserve to know its peace.

Emotional Weakness: Sorrow

The galaxy is a big place, and with so many people suffering, it can overwhelm a Mystic. How can a single person help anyone else when there is so much unhappiness? The Mystic lets sorrow paralyze, or worse, affect their use of the Force.


Emotional Strength: Caution

The Cosmic Force moves in a span of eons. Pushing too hard usually requires turning to the dark side of the Force. That desire, that fear, is the reason for the fall. Best move carefully and let the Force move at its own pace.

Emotional Weakness: Fear

So much can go so wrong. The Force is in a precarious balance. Perhaps it’s best to let a little suffering go unimpeded now so the future can be more certain. Perhaps this is safe, unless that future never comes.


Emotional Strength: Certainty

This doesn’t simply cover confidence or positivity, but also an unshakable faith of the Force. The Mystic dives into conflict without hesitation, for there is no conflict, only the Force ebbing and flowing.

Emotional Weakness: Egotism

Confidence can turn into recklessness or stubbornness. When Mystics think themselves invulnerable or correct at all times, they think the Force revolves around them. This egoism may cause a Mystic to make a fatal error and bring others to harm.


Emotional Strength: Clarity

Certainty relies on faith. Clarity relies on knowledge. These Mystics know without a doubt that the path they walk is the right one and can communicate it to others without misunderstanding.

Emotional Weakness: Confusion

With visions come possibilities. The future isn’t set in stone, but a river that can flow in one direction or another. When Mystics delve deep into the future, they may become paralyzed by the myriad of possibilities.


Emotional Strength: Humility

The Force is so much bigger than any one individual, and Mystics know they are merely drops in the pond. This frees them to act when needed without fear that they are taking on too much.

Emotional Weakness: Worthlessness

Knowing oneself to be insignificant in the light of the Force can overwhelm anyone, and a Mystic more so. The Force always has a purpose and a place for everyone, but Mystics may feel their actions are useless.


Emotional Strength: Discipline

Mystics especially need discipline to keep from being overwhelmed by the Force. Some Mystics want to be overwhelmed and lose themselves. The Force provides so much peace and understanding, but the Mystic must focus so the physical world can receive this insight.

Emotional Weakness: Coldness

Mystics have a special vulnerability to removing themselves from mortal emotions and concerns. A single life has no significance to the Force, and so these Mystics turn cold to the world.


Emotional Strength: Wellness

The Mystic gains a form of happiness and satisfaction in good works and knowing one’s place in the community. They work, which is good; they depend on others, which is good; and they prosper, which is good.

Emotional Weakness: Rigid

Knowing one’s place sometimes means becoming complacent, becoming unable to change, grow, or conceive of a better way. They think the way things are should always be the same.


Emotional Strength: Pride

While pride might seem dangerous, this is a pride in being part of something bigger, with a greater purpose. Prideful Mystics know they can make a change for the better.

Emotional Weakness: Arrogance

By tapping into the Cosmic Force, Mystics can control tremendous amounts of power. This may deceive Mystics into believing they are gods.


Emotional Strength: Modesty

Mystics eschew credit and thanks. After all, anyone can do this work. This attitude ensures discipline and focus to the task at hand, and thus the Mystics focus on helping others and reducing suffering.

Emotional Weakness: Vanity

The Mystic turns self-deference into false modesty, denigrating themselves and expecting others to bolster their ego. A twisted passive-aggressiveness can emerge, in which the Mystic demands recognition for this modesty.


Emotional Strength: Joy

Despite, or because of, Mystics’ ability to see into the past and the future, some learn to enjoy the beauty of the moment, person, or place in front of them. Each instance is unique, even in the timelessness of the Cosmic Force.

Emotional Weakness: Antipathy

Unlike Coldness, this Mystic still has emotional engagements, but simply doesn’t understand the magnitude of pain. This kind of insensitivity ignores the fact that pain, even when fleeting, ripples harm throughout time and space.


Emotional Strength: Fondness

This Mystic has a kind of mentor-like love, the good feeling that comes with guiding and helping people. This feeling should be unconditional; they wish their students to grow, change, and surpass their teachings.

Emotional Weakness: Demanding

Sometimes over-protectiveness turns into controlling behavior. How else to save someone than to prevent them from making mistakes? This behavior treats people as smaller, less than even a pet, requiring constant control.


Emotional Strength: Independence

With trust in the Force comes an independence and a lack of reliance on other people. This isn’t a bad trait; these Mystics may still enjoy the company of others, but their happiness doesn’t require others to act or think in a certain way. This allows Mystics to appreciate a person for who they are.

Emotional Weakness: Onstinance

Trust in the Force sometimes turns dark and becomes a denial that other people, especially those who aren’t experienced in the ways of the Force, can ever have knowledge or feelings more relevant, more important, or better-suited to a situation than the Mystic’s.