Guardian Moralities
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Emotional Strength: Bravery
The character may face the possibility of death and defeat, but fights on regardless, and shows no fear.
Emotional Weakness: Recklessness
The character is too sure of success and is heedless of personal or others’ safety, rushing headfirst into danger and taking risks that might jeopardize a mission.
Emotional Strength: Confidence
The character believes in their own abilities, knowing exactly what is possible on a personal level, and refuses to be intimidated. This character also places faith in trusted friends.
Emotional Weakness: Arrogance
The character believes in their own superiority, and so underestimates foes and friends alike. Prone to forgetting personal flaws, this character makes mistakes, failing to consider the possibility of failure.
Emotional Strength: Dedication
The character remains focused on current duties, training, or the job at hand. Possibly loyal to a cause or creed, the character is willing to sacrifice their life itself for those beliefs, if that is necessary.
Emotional Weakness: Obsession
The character has a tendency to focus on one thing to the exclusion of all else and fails to see the bigger picture. The character has no regard for personal safety and neglects the safety of others.
Emotional Strength: Camaraderie
The character works well as part of a team whether leading or following, remaining loyal to comrades no matter what. The character is quick to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of others and works to ensure the group stays together and functions effectively.
Emotional Weakness: Conformity
When working with others, this character has a tendency to value the group above all else, seeing the opinions of outsiders as less important. The character also forgets to trust personal instincts, preferring to fit in with the group rather than voice a differing opinion.
Emotional Strength: Conviction
The character makes quick decisions and sees them through without hesitating. Believing in personal action and the ability to achieve one’s goals, this character never gives up on a task.
Emotional Weakness: Obstinacy
Once this character has become determined about something or formed an opinion, no one can dissuade or reason with them. This character believes that to change one’s mind or one’s cause is to show weakness, even if a situation has altered or become hopeless.
Emotional Strength: Honor
The character has a personal moral code, and never crosses the line it delineates. Others learn to respect the character’s principles, but for this character, it is personal honor that matters, not what others think.
Emotional Weakness: Vanity
The character is more concerned with appearing to do the right thing than ensuring an outcome that benefits everyone. Believing themselves to be a hero, the character wants to prove this to others and to receive praise for these efforts.
Emotional Strength: Justice
The character feels responsible for punishing the wicked and saving, or avenging, the good. This character likes to work on the right side of local laws, where possible.
Emotional Weakness: Judging
Believing they have a right to pass judgement on others, this character expects their personal morals and rules to apply wherever they go. Refusing to show mercy to those who have not shown mercy to others, whatever the circumstances, the character makes them pay.
Emotional Strength: Consideration
The character does not act before being sure of all the facts or assessing an opponent’s strengths and weaknesses. This character always considers the consequences of personal actions.
Emotional Weakness: Hesitancy
The character is inclined to be too careful, overthinking and second-guessing even when immediate action is called for.
Emotional Strength: Sympathy
The character genuinely feels for others, sharing their pain and so acting to reduce it, showing mercy and compassion.
Emotional Weakness: Desperation
The character cares so much for the plights of others that emotions cloud the character’s mind. When surrounded by suffering, the character forgets to stay alert, loses the will to act, or behaves impulsively.
Emotional Strength: Discipline
The character has extraordinary self-control and focus, and sets a good example to others. This character’s skills and reflexes are sharp from constant training and practice.
Emotional Weakness: Repression
The character considers relaxation and leisure activities superfluous or harmful and expects everyone to be just as disciplined. They look down on those who do not likewise work ceaselessly to better themselves and fight for change.
Emotional Strength: Caution
The character is willing to face danger but is realistic about the outcome, avoiding fights that are unlikely to end well or that might put bystanders in danger.
Emotional Weakness: Fear
Having seen too many battles and too much bloodshed, the character is painfully aware of the possibility of failure, defeat, or death. This can make the character slow to act, or even unwilling to act at all.
Emotional Strength: Idealism
The character believes the galaxy is fundamentally good, and fights to keep it so. This character knows that even partial successes and minor victories help to make the galaxy a better place for all.
Emotional Weakness: Naivety
The character has a vision of what the galaxy and its inhabitants should be like and sometimes sees according to wish rather than reality. They are too trusting.