General Moralities (Force and Destiny)

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Emotional Strength: Bravery

The character's bravery is quite remarkable. Whether facing down a charging rancor or racing into a burning building to save innocents, he is always willing to take risks to help others.

Emotional Weakness: Anger

Hot blood, however, can easily lead to hot tempers. The character is quick to anger, and what he cannot deal with face-to-face can often frustrate him to the point of rage.


Emotional Strength: Love

The character has an open heart. While he may hold a special place in his heart for his companions or a significant other, he tends to genuinely like most individuals he meets. His love for others can make him charming and affable, and exceedingly tolerant.

Emotional Weakness: Jealousy

Love, if not given selflessly, can quickly turn to jealousy. The character's personality tends toward envy if his love is not reciprocated, or sometimes he simply envies others’ accomplishments or possessions.


Emotional Strength: Caution

The character possesses commendable prudence, willing to always look before he leaps into a new situation. His forward-thinking ways may have saved his fellows from dangerous situations on numerous occasions.

Emotional Weakness: Fear

The line between caution and fear is a thin one. Sometimes the character spends too much time concerned about the potential problems of a situation to act in that situation at all. At other times, his caution causes him to flee when danger presents itself, through bolder action might reap real rewards.


Emotional Strength: Enthusiasm

The character is always ready to try something new, and he approaches all of his tasks, even mundane ones, with excitement. He’s not one to overthink a situation, lest he miss a great new opportunity.

Emotional Weakness: Recklessness

Of course, a little thought can go a long way towards saving someone from a major mistake, which this character may find out to his sorrow on more than one occasion. Reckless behavior can leave him in dangerous situations or at the mercy of more calculating individuals.


Emotional Strength: Compassion

The character cares about the tribulations others face, and wants to help those he comes across. His compassion may lead to self-sacrifice in order to aid those who need it.

Emotional Weakness: Hatred

The galaxy can be a cruel and heartless place, and compassion can quickly turn to hatred of the individuals or situations that cause others to suffer. When a character’s mind roils with simmering hatred, that hatred may be all too slow to fade.


Emotional Strength: Mercy

The character shows mercy toward his foes, dealing with them fairly and honorably. He can spare the defenseless, will help a helpless enemy, and generally does not abuse a position of strength.

Emotional Weakness: Weakness

There is a fine line between showing mercy to one’s foes and letting evil fester because one does not want to engage with it. The character may let bad things happen simply because it is too hard to deal with them.


Emotional Strength: Curiosity

The character is driven to learn new things, to seek out and discover new information, and to expand his knowledge and understanding of those things that interest him.

Emotional Weakness: Obsession

Sometimes, interest in something can turn to obsession if not tempered with reason. The character can slip into an obsessive state about his need to discover information, accomplish a goal, or even defeat a rival, and he may ignore all else until success is his.


Emotional Strength: Pride

Pride can be a powerful emotion, and can push a character to impressive feats of personal accomplishment. He strives to be the best and to take pleasure in his skills.

Emotional Weakness: Arrogance

Pride, among all emotions, is perhaps the easiest to fall to a darker form. Arrogance mirrors pride, but satisfaction in one’s accomplishments is replaced with contempt for others’ failings. It is not enough to succeed; the character also expects all others to fail.


Emotional Strength: Independence

The character believes in relying on himself. He does not count on others to perform tasks for him; instead, he ensures he can handle any situation he encounters. He refuses to be a burden on others.

Emotional Weakness: Coldness

Self-reliance can slip into isolation if one is not careful. A cold character doesn't just desire to rely only on himself, but has nothing but disinterest for anyone else. If they can’t help themselves, why should he aid them?


Emotional Strength: Ambition

An ambitious character sets a lofty goal for himself and then strives to accomplish it. The harder the task, the more willing the character is to take it on, and the greater the triumph when he finally succeeds.

Emotional Weakness: Greed

An ambitious character is only as selfless as his goals. Those who strive for worldly pleasures, whether power, wealth, or personal comforts, can quickly find their ambition turning to simple greed.


Emotional Strength: Justice

The character strives for just and deliberate actions in his life, and in his interactions with others. He attempts to make the objectively right choice every time, knowing that justice is more likely to guarantee positive outcomes than sympathy or other emotional displays.

Emotional Weakness: Cruelty

All too often, the cruel use justice to excuse their actions. If one stops himself from tempering justice with empathy and understanding, he can inflict great harm on others and feel justified doing it. Eventually, he can grow to revel in the suffering of others, even as he deludes himself into thinking he makes the "just" choice.


Emotional Strength: Discipline

Rigorous mental and physical discipline comes naturally to the character. He does not make choices rashly, and every action is precise and selected. Those who think they can goad the character into making foolish choices are sorely mistaken.

Emotional Weakness: Obstinance

Disciplined characters may fall into the trap of simple stubbornness if they are not careful. An obstinate character often refuses to consider any course of action other than the one he chooses, unwilling to accept that someone else may have conceived of a better option.