Consular Moralities

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Emotional Strength: Reason

The character is able to look at situations objectively, and observe the natural state of things without being influenced by strong emotions.

Emotional Weakness: Empathy

The character's skills at detached observation can often lead to a cold pragmatism in which the emotional cost of choices is not taken into consideration.


Emotional Strength: Love

The character has a gentle and kindly affection for someone or some group. This unwavering dedication is an inspiration to those around the character.

Emotional Weakness: Jealousy

At times, the character is so devoted that he cannot stand to see the subject of his love turn to others. This can lead to envy or a lack of appreciation.


Emotional Strength: Caution

By being wary and observing all the variables of a situation, the character is able to make an informed decision. By considering his actions, the character can make the most effective choice.

Emotional Weakness: Indecision

The character can sometimes spend far too long considering a matter, unable to find the confidence necessary to make a hard choice. Faced with a situation that demands immediate reaction, the character is unable to make any choice at all.


Emotional Strength: Cleverness

By observing beings and situations in an unorthodox manner, the character gains a new and unique understanding. This allows the character to approach problems from an unexpected angle and produce original solutions.

Emotional Weakness: Sophism

The character’s unique perspective can lead to the assumption that those who do not share the character’s insight are somehow less enlightened and should be reminded of that.


Emotional Strength: Compassion

All beings are important in the Force, and the character never hesitates to offer aid to those who are in need. The desire to alleviate suffering is paramount to the character.

Emotional Weakness: Hatred

Those who have no capacity for compassion deserve none for themselves. The character is quick to mercilessly dispatch beings who breed suffering, not considering whether such beings can be saved themselves.


Emotional Strength: Mercy

All creatures deserve a second chance so that they might learn from their mistakes. The character is willing to lay down his weapon and offer that chance to former enemies who seek peace and enlightenment.

Emotional Weakness: Naivete

The character only sees the good in all beings and can easily be influenced by a cunning foe. This can lead to bitterness, betrayal, and terrible consequences for a seemingly noble act.


Emotional Strength: Curiosity

The search for knowledge never ends, and the character is driven to discover all that the galaxy has to offer. Understanding all things and all beings drives the character to seek out wisdom wherever it may be found.

Emotional Weakness: Obsession

The character can become fixated on a particular area of knowledge and cast aside prudence and patience in a self-serving desire to achieve ultimate enlightenment.


Emotional Strength: Pride

The character takes strength from bringing peace and enlightenment to the galaxy and recognizing that those efforts are not in vain. Such characters see themselves as valuable in their role as peacekeepers during these dark times.

Emotional Weakness: Arrogance

The character’s role and accomplishments are something he feels must be recognized by those around him. Such characters often fail to acknowledge the beings who came before them and belittle those who are not part of their quest.


Emotional Strength: Patience

The character faces delay and obstruction with a calm mind, recognizing that in time all things will reveal themselves as the Force wills it. The character keeps a steady mind in even the most frustrating circumstances.

Emotional Weakness: Condescension

The character often treats less patient beings like children and dismisses their concerns. As a result, the character may overlook valuable insight from friends and allies.


Emotional Strength: Ambition

The character is undaunted in his endeavors, always seeking to bring peace to the galaxy. Such characters recognize that even though their lofty goals are all but impossible, they must ceaselessly continue their efforts.

Emotional Weakness: Impatience

In their zeal, these characters often do not recognize that the results of their efforts can take years or even decades to come to fruition. When results are not forthcoming, they can become bitter or disillusioned with their own ideals.


Emotional Strength: Charity

The character gives endlessly, both in counsel and of his own possessions, without any thought of reward. By providing to those who are less fortunate than herself, she is able to bring harmony and ease the burdens of others.

Emotional Weakness: Martyrdom

The character gets frustrated when others do not recognize the sacrifices she has made. Such characters see those they have aided as ungrateful, or worse, unworthy of the things they have been given.


Emotional Strength: Discipline

Self-mastery is key in all things for the character. Emotions and desires must be recognized and controlled, preventing rash and reckless acts that might inadvertently endanger those she is trying to help.

Emotional Weakness: Intolerance

The character has little respect for those who are indulgent or complain about the difficulties they face. There is little place in the character’s heart for those who constantly dwell upon their own difficulties.