Soldier Duties
Recommended default starting duty (based on party size)
- 2 Players: 20 Duty
- 3 Players: 15 Duty
- 4 Players: 10 Duty
- 5 Players: 10 Duty
- 6+ Players: 5 Duty
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GenerateClear Skies
This PC recognizes the clanger that infantry units face from enemy air power. A pair of TIE fighters can turn certain victory on the ground into disaster. This PC always has a plan to take out any enemy air support, whether through the judicious use of portable launchers, jammers, camouflage, concealing terrain, or even anti-air emplacement weapons.
Combat Victory
The PC wants to prove that the Rebellion’s armed forces can defeat the Empire in head-to-head battles, and frequently pushes to launch devastating raids, ambushes, and strikes. This PC believes the only path to victory is through combat, and that the rebels are more than a match for the Empire any time, on any battlefield, under any conditions.
Internal Security
Of all the military branches in the Alliance, its army sees the most new recruits. The need for troops is too great and resources too thin to properly vet the loyalty of every recruit. This PC knows that one Imperial spy can potentially bring the entire movement down, and eyes all comrades-in-arms with suspicion, regardless of individual history or deeds.
Knowledge is power, and this PC wants to know everything about the Empire. This Soldier seeks information at every opportunity, copying Imperial datacores, setting up surveillance cams, or capturing enemy droids for intel. The key to survival is avoiding the Empire where it is strong, hitting hard where it is weak, and seeing the difference between the two.
While the troops of the Rebel Alliance know their cause to be just, the hopeless odds stacked against them can be demoralizing. This PC knows that to have any hope of victory, the freedom fighters have to keep their spirits up, and works to help with this via well-timed jokes or inspirational gestures such as flying the Rebellion’s insignia on the battlefield.
The PC epitomizes the military mantra of “no one left behind, " dragging wounded comrades to safety and striving to get everyone home. This PC puts the lives of fellow Alliance personnel over everything, including the mission.
Placard Hunter
This PC knows that without effective leadership, the rank and file troops of the Empire are easily dispatched. In any fight, the Soldier seeks to eliminate the highest-ranking officers on the battlefield. At worst, the remaining enemies fight in a much less coordinated fashion, but sometimes such losses cause the foe to retreat.
Psychological Warfare
While the Imperial stormtroopers might appear fearless and disciplined, others within the Imperial Army and Officer Corps aren’t as willing to die for the Emperor. Some PCs recognize that it is possible to intimidate, confuse, or frighten an enemy to gain an advantage in an engagement, or avoid one altogether.
Some Soldiers believe that if they just had a few more brave warriors, they could escalate their war with the Empire, selecting targets more damaging to the Imperial war effort. PCs with the Recruiting Duty always look to turn anyone into rebel sympathizers, and sympathizers into fellow members of the Alliance.
Resource Acquisition
The Rebel Alliance is always in desperate need of materiel in the fight against the Empire. Bacta, blaster gas, and ration bricks win wars. This PC is always searching for sources of the raw materials, food, clothing, weapons, armor, and other equipment the Alliance needs to continue the fight.
If the Rebellion can’t take something, denying the Empire its use is the next best thing. This PC knows that Imperial forces are dependent on secure supply lines and storage depots, and destroying or disrupting any link in the supply chain wreaks havoc with the effectiveness of Imperial troops.
No soldier stands alone, and this PC focuses on standing beside comrades-in-arms. Only while working in unison can the rebels hope to dent the seemingly invulnerable Galactic Empire. Although this PC might not be as recognized or awarded honors as often as those he helps, his contribution is every bit as vital, while helping other PCs pursue their Duties.