Diplomat Duties

Random Duty Generator

Recommended default starting duty (based on party size)

  • 2 Players: 20 Duty
  • 3 Players: 15 Duty
  • 4 Players: 10 Duty
  • 5 Players: 10 Duty
  • 6+ Players: 5 Duty
Click button below to generate a random duty


The Rebel Alliance rarely operates in the open. The rest of the time, the Player Character recognizes the importance of maintaining a low profile. Whether by locating clandestine meeting points, by fabricating cover stories for suspicious activities, or by finding people willing to turn a blind eye to a Rebel presence, the PC's goal is to keep the Empire oblivious.


When collecting sensitive and valuable information, the Alliance rarely has the luxury of verifying it before taking the risk of action Instead, the party supplying the intelligence must be trusted. Conversely, the one supplying the intelligence must trust that the information will not be used against him. The PC specializes in finding contacts who can be trusted, building their trust in the Rebel Alliance, and maintaining that trust.

Internal Security

The Rebellion must deal with the potential for betrayal by allies as well as by internal operatives. A Rebel-friendly equipment vendor disclosing his customer registry could be just as damaging as a Rebel operative going rogue. The PC seeks to validate the trust placed in Alliance members and allies.

Operation Planning

Efficient use of resources is a key to the success of the Rebel Alliance. Rebel strikes must be carefully organized to be as effective as possible, while consuming minimal supplies. The Rebellion can tolerate few losses. The PC recognizes this and takes it upon himself to ensure that each mission is engineered for success, with nothing forgotten or wasted.


To make his unit function at its best, the PC builds discipline and skill among Rebel groups. The PC sees to it that the rookie pilot learns from the seasoned veteran, the tactician has time to study formations, and the communications officer has the latest codes.

Political Support

The PC sees that for the Rebellion to grow beyond a small insurrection to become a credible threat to the Empire, the opinion of the populace must favor the Rebellion. In addition to brokering deals with the locals, the PC is a master publicist, making the life of the Rebels seem glorious, righteous, and exciting. Additionally, the PC voices grievances for the Empire's injustice, increasing unrest with the life of servitude that the Empire forces upon its citizens.


The Alliance always needs more loyal members, but not everyone can become a full-time operative. The PC accepts the complicated circumstances of those who might be sympathetic to the Rebellion, seeks them out, and works within their limits to obtain as much help as possible. The PC ensures that the Rebels are present and ready to help their friends, and prompts those friends to return the favor. If a few such associates pledge full allegiance to the Alliance along the way, so much the better.

Resource Acquisition

The PC knows the importance of being properly supplied, as well as the value of being able to count on supply. Acquiring assets is only the beginning. The better trick is knowing what materiel is in short supply, where to find that materiel, and how to acquire it. Sometimes a single pair of welding goggles is more useful than a dozen blasters, and sometimes a single blaster is more useful than all the goggles in the galaxy. The PC forges alliances that can provide equipment and also deliver it where it is needed.


Just as accomplishing a mission hinges on more than just equipment and assets, disrupting an enemy mission can take on many forms as well. The PC sows discord in the Empire's ranks, possibly posing as an officer and giving conflicting orders, confusing and disrupting communications channels, or even simply spreading rumors. The greatest triumph comes when a little bit of interference makes the Empire defeat itself.

Communication Facilitation

The Rebel Alliance is a scattered, often inconsistent organization. Alliance Command occasionally gathers the fleet for big, critical strikes, but usually individual Rebel cells work independently. The PC acts as an intermediary between leadership and other Rebel cells, ensuring that his group is coordinated with others, preventing accidental collisions.

Tech Procurement

Technology can be capricious. Some advances are as concrete as a new astromech droid, while others are as conceptual as a new fleet formation. The PC seeks both equipment and ideas that are innovative and advanced, finding ways to incorporate them into Rebel operations. He observes the constant flux and evolution to discover the ideal use for new items as well as novel uses for old technologies.


Often, Rebel cells are ragtag groups with diverse backgrounds and allegiances, making a little internal conflict inevitable. When tensions flare and the group splinters, nobody accomplishes their objectives. The PC seeks to foster cohesion and cooperation, soothing bruised egos and reigning in other Rebels' wild impulses. As long as the party is operating in unison, the PC is doing his job.