Commander Duties
Recommended default starting duty (based on party size)
- 2 Players: 20 Duty
- 3 Players: 15 Duty
- 4 Players: 10 Duty
- 5 Players: 10 Duty
- 6+ Players: 5 Duty
Click button below to generate a random duty
Each fighting unit is a family of sorts, and this is equally true within the ranks of the Alliance military These Commanders seek to bring the troops together in a way that fosters trust, respect, and pride. By fostering the bonds that develop between comrades in combat, Commanders are able to strengthen morale and drive their people to fight harder and better than other, similar units. Unfortunately, camaraderie can have unfortunate results—alienation from fellow units, instances of hazing and initiation within the ranks, and overconfidence in the face of overwhelming odds.
Combat Victory
Not only is victory in battle necessary to the continued success of the Rebel Alliance, but it is also a measuring stick by which Commanders are judged against their peers. Commanders must lead their troops successfully for them to win, and troops' failures on the battlefield are inevitably linked to their Commander’s failure to lead them.
Enemy Demoralization
Undermining enemies’ psychological ability to wage war is just as important as defeating them in battle. Commanders realize this, and do their best to ensure that the Empire suffers every defeat on a psychological level. By fostering a unit's notoriety, a Commanders can ensure that that its reputation precedes it among the enemy, thereby weakening the enemy’s resolve before a fight even begins. Once a battle is won, a Commander must ensure that the enemy knows it’s been soundly beaten, though the Commander must take care not to resort to the Empire’s brand of brutality.
Commanders who focus on intelligence-gathering seek to take as many prisoners as possible, and they expect their troops to keep an eye out for sources of information that can be used against the enemy. They take great interest in interrogating captured foes, often doing the work themselves to ensure that every salient detail is pinpointed and exploited. This micromanagement can be detrimental, however, as it has the potential to distract Commanders from their other duties. Likewise, their methods as interrogators can shape others’ perception of both their units and themselves.
Internal Security
These Commanders are fastidious about ensuring the loyalty of their troops, weeding out threats to their units from within, and punishing infractions. Success in this endeavor ensures that their troops are ready for anything, without any fear of betrayal or weakness. If they are too harsh or openly suspicious of their own, Commanders can adversely affect the morale of their troops, causing them to be overly cautious of their own actions lest they be seen as liabilities to their leader's command.
Loss Prevention
Ensuring that their troops are as safe as possible under battlefield conditions is these Commanders' primary concern. They never send their troops into hopeless situations in which defeat is certain, preferring instead to preserve their unit’s strength for meaningful battles if sacrifices must be made. If taken too far, this ideology can result in weak commanding officers who lose ground because they aren’t even willing to try. They may gain a reputation for cowardice, which harms both discipline and their own chances for advancement.
Political Support
Gaining support from political entities is this Commander’s objective. Whether a politician or merely a guerilla fighter who desires to gain the support of a subjugated populace, this Commander sees political support as an efficient means of gaining victory on a grassroots level. More than conquering hearts and minds, this Commander seeks to actively help local populations as much in their day-to-day lives as in their efforts to resist their oppressors. Such Commanders expect their troops to respect the indigenous peoples and attempt to keep collateral damage to a minimum.
Whether it’s to replace losses or merely to bolster their ranks, these Commanders seek to engage like-minded individuals and convince them that their best contribution to the war effort can be made within the Rebel Alliance. Such Commanders are always on the lookout for new prospects, though care must be tak
Resource Acquisition
These Commanders know that proper equipment is also an essential component to victory, and the Alliance is always in short supply when it comes to weapons, rations, and other goods. With each battle their troops fight, these Commanders look for opportunities to enrich the supplies available to their troops and their auxiliaries. They take time to schedule raids on sources of Imperial equipment when possible, though they must be careful not to chase every carrot the Empire dangles in front of them, in order to avoid falling into traps.
Space Superiority
Though planetary engagements are important to the overall war effort, space and air superiority are both crucial to the success of the troops on the ground. Whether these Commanders command a capital ship, a wing of fighter craft, or a ground-pounding infantry unit, they seek to ensure that the Rebel Alliance controls the skies as well as the stars.
Tech Procurement
These Commanders ask for ingenuity and innovation from their troops. Even if their units aren’t gifted with state-of-the-art weapons, they expect them to use what they have to the best of their ability, and to make improvements where they can in order to improve their situation. These Commanders are often more concerned with subordinates who are technologically or mechanically inclined, leaning on them to provide an extra edge for the rest of their unit.
These Commanders' biggest assets are the troops who serve in their unit. They believe that by supporting their troops, they can increase the combat effectiveness of their unit and ensure that trust and morale are properly maintained. These Commanders must be approachable, even by the lowliest private, and they must be willing to learn what drives their troops—their thoughts, fears, desires, and goals, both as individuals and as Rebels. By helping their people achieve their goals, they make their units stronger and better able to meet the challenges posed by the Imperial war machine.