Click button below to generate a random motivation (although you are encouraged to select your own)
GeneratePlace of Origin
The character is deeply prideful of where he grew up. This could be a specific planet, town, space station, or ship. The character strives to better the place of origin and its people and will defend it with his life.
The character is close with a pet or animal companion of some sort, a relatively small non-combatant.
Childhood Friend
The character maintains ties with a friend from his childhood. Although the two may be a galaxy apart, the character desires only the best for his companion.
The character shows loyalty to those he serves alongside. This could be either the current group of PCs. former military buddies, or business associates.
The character has one or more siblings with whom he maintains close contact. The sibling or siblings are unlikely to be combatants and this Motivation may or may not fall in line with a character's Relationship Obligation.
The character is particularly close to a mentor, professor, teacher or other figure that provided support, knowledge, and wisdom to him in his early years.
The character has close ties with his parents {or a single parent) and seeks their constant approval. This may or may not be a healthy or supportive situation.
Extended Family/Clan
The character has a large extended family, clan, or tribe that he deeply loves. He seeks both their comfort and approval despite the many voices clamoring in his ear for attention.
Droid Companion
The character possesses a fondness for a particular droid This could be a former family servant, his ships astromech droid, or his trusty protocol droid. This may include a PC droid.
Former Nemesis
The character formed a close bond with a former nemesis or rival. Although things are patched between them, the two could still be extremely competitive.