Click button below to generate a random motivation (although you are encouraged to select your own)
The character actively supports some religious or spiritual organization or belief. This could include the tenets of the Jedi or Sith codes or some other belief.
The Weak/Charity
The character fights for the underdog, disliking bullies and totalitarianism. He'll put the interests of those in need before his own and may donate time or money to aid the less fortunate.
Non-Human Rights
The character fights for the rights of non-humans in the very xenophobic rule of the Empire.
Local Politics
The character supports some particular political cause, typically within a single planet or system. The character actively gets involved in campaigns and candidates, and may even fight on the behalf of a political organization.
Overthrow the Empire
The character despises the Empire and everything that it stands for. He may or may not be an active member of the Rebellion, but he supports its goals and gives aid and comfort to those against Imperial tyranny.
The character supports the idea of black markets, mercenaries, and other groups that fall outside of the law. The character need not be a criminal himself, but may give aid to other criminals, especially if they are family members, childhood friends, or if corruption is deeply imbedded in the character's originating culture.
The character sees slavery and indentured servitude as an abomination that must be undone. He'll go out of his way to aid or attempt to free anyone kept in slavery.
Droid Rights
The character believes that droids should be accepted as full members of galactic society, not merely tools or servants.
The character is an unabashed capitalist and fights for the rights of merchants, trading organizations, and business, sometimes running counter to the wishes of both the Empire and some criminal groups.
Support the Empire
The character actually supports the goals and methods of the Empire and does his best to advance its cause. He'll defend the Empire in conversation and may actively lake up arms in its defense.