Starfighter Ace

Of the 6 Career Skills, choose 3 to get a free rank. Of the 4 Specialization Skills, choose 2 to get a free rank.

Warrior Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Cool, Melee, Perception and Survival

Starfighter Ace Specialization Skills: Astrogation, Gunnery, Mechanics and Piloting (Space)

A Warrior begins play with a Force rating of 1

Starfighter pilots enthusiastically engage in one of the most dangerous forms of battle imaginable. Their shields and armor—for starfighters that have either— offer virtually no resistance to the weapons of the capital ships they oppose. Instead, they must trust in the Force to protect them as they launch their daring assaults. Those who embrace the risks of space combat may pursue the Starfighter Ace specialization.

The Starfighter Ace's skill set provides the essentials needed to successfully pilot a starfighter in combat. Force adepts who acquire these skills most often control single-passenger craft, in which they must assume responsibility for weapons at the same time that they handle navigation.

While this style of combat is dependent on a vehicle, it remains physically exhausting. Even with a full range of technological enhancements, effective pilots must be capable of enduring rapid and extreme shifts in velocity and direction. They must also remain ready to strike a deadly blow against an opponent at just the right instant, even while struggling to endure extreme physiological conditions.

Potential Backgrounds

  • Avenger: The airless vacuum of space is perilous, and tragedy may occur there through accident or design. The Starfighter Ace who acts as an avenger does not necessarily have to face the moral implications of vengeance on the personal level that other Warriors often do. For this character, vengeance might mean taking down enemy ships like the ones that destroyed a pilot, ship, or station the character once lost. Alternatively, this character might simply carry the pain of loss and vent this anger from behind the controls of a starfighter.

  • Crusader: A Starfighter Ace is well suited to take up the cause of the Rebellion. Many battles against the Empire occur in space, and a Starfighter Ace is uniquely capable of excelling in this most demanding arena. If this character considers rebelling against the Empire a just cause, then assisting oppressed citizens, destroying blockades, and encouraging planets to fight against the regime are all worthy undertakings.

  • Mercenary: There’s always work for a good pilot, and a Starfighter Ace is one of the best. This character is willing to fly and fight for credits, but that doesn’t mean the character does not enjoy those things for their own sake, too. This character likely puts credits straight back into the ship that helped earn them, funding repairs and improvements to the vessel.

  • Military: Many promising pilots receive training from a military organization, and a Starfighter Ace with this background is a Warrior who knows all the military maneuvers and procedures of that organization. Force-sensitive instincts might make this character a better pilot who initially impresses superiors within a militia. However, the fear of discovery could drive this Warrior to set out alone.