Sleeper Agent
Of the 8 Career Skills, choose 4 to get a free rank. Of the 4 Specialization Skills, choose 2 to get a free rank.
Spy Career Skills: Computers, Cool, Coordination, Deception, Knowledge (Warfare), Perception, Skulduggery and Stealth
Sleeper Agent Specialization Skills: Charm, Cool, Discipline and Knowledge (Education)
Spies must be able to tell convincing lies. Often, a lie only needs to hold up for a few seconds—just long enough for the agent to complete a crime. In some cases, the lie must be more convincing and survive much more detailed scrutiny. Sleeper Agents must be able to operate in isolation from their support network for months or even years at a time. During such missions, operatives should blend seamlessly into their host environments, never arousing even the slightest suspicion. Sustaining believable lies for this much time requires dedication so that no hint of their real identity ever emerges. For some Sleeper Agents, their artificial guises are so ingrained that it takes effort to emerge from them once a lengthy mission is finally over.
On a mission, the vast majority of Sleeper Agents’ time involves working a mundane job that may seem unrelated to their objective. In a few cases, the job is a military one, but those assignments require extensive security checks. More often, the Sleeper Agent works a civilian job that may have military connections. The agent may even serve as a member of a criminal organization. Whichever is the case, the Sleeper Agent’s duties offer peripheral access to a resource that is of great interest to the Rebellion. It is vitally important that agents remain constantly discreet about their true intentions.
All Sleeper Agents must be proficient in some profession that is not inherently related to uncovering military intelligence for the Rebellion. They might not need to be experts, but they must be able to convincingly assume an unremarkable civilian or military career. This act must be sustained for an extended period of time while the operatives wait to have their missions activated. Some missions focus entirely upon placing agents in critical places so that they can be activated to avert a currently unknown crisis. In these cases, the agents might pursue their cover career for years. Other missions have established timeframes or discrete objectives that the operative must pursue without raising suspicion.
Critically, Sleeper Agents must remain unflinchingly loyal to their cause. At the same time, they must be able to maintain the illusion that they are loyal to the enemy. In the case of extended assignments, they must build friendships and working relationships with their foes—relationships that they know they will eventually betray. Few individuals are capable of maintaining this level of duplicity without developing some level of emotional attachment. Such attachment incurs terrible risk, as it could lead to hesitation at a critical juncture.
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