Shii-Cho Knight

Of the 6 Career Skills, choose 3 to get a free rank. Of the 4 Specialization Skills, choose 2 to get a free rank.

Warrior Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Cool, Melee, Perception and Survival

Shii-Cho Knight Specialization Skills: Athletics, Coordination, Lightsaber and Melee

A Warrior begins play with a Force rating of 1

The ancient lightsaber fighting style of Shii-Cho is said to be the first lightsaber form taught to the Jedi and their predecessors. It focuses on the essentials of saber fighting and borrows heavily from other sword fighting techniques. Appropriately, the modern practitioners of this form focus on perfecting the core tenants of sword fighting, recognizing the strength of simplicity. Shii-Cho Knights eschew fancy maneuvers, preferring to focus on the fundamentals of block, parry, and strike.

The Shii-Cho Knight's skills provide them with a solid grounding in the core techniques of any physical conflict. They are familiar with the weapon they wield, but they are also very comfortable exploiting their natural athleticism and flexibility. Because of this, they can not only avoid an enemy’s attack, but also make certain that they are able to strike effectively when their target is at a disadvantage.

Followers of this path are seldom concerned with personal appearances or the style that they exhibit in a conflict. Instead, they are focused on precision and on achieving their ultimate goal of victory. For them, a solid grounding in the basics is something they can rely on in any situation. When lives are on the line, they devote their attention to executing their maneuvers in a traditional way, using them to counter an opponent while simultaneously restricting his options.

Potential Backgrounds

  • Avenger: A Shii-Cho Knight is the Warrior most likely to follow the old Jedi codes and eschew vengeance. However, those trained in ancient arts and philosophies are not immune to tragedy. This character may have lost a master who spoke against vengeance, now finding the philosophy difficult to follow in the face of reality. Possibly conflicted, this Shii-Cho Knight tries to justify avenging those struck down unjustly, seeking more than merely personal vengeance.

  • Crusader: Sometimes a Shii-Cho Knight might interpret stories of Jedi in such a way that the character considers taking up causes and fighting for change integral to the Jedi path. Jedi once policed the galaxy, and this character wishes to carry on their good work. This Shii-Cho Knight seeks out the sort of injustices Jedi once fought against, freeing slaves, rescuing innocent prisoners, and liberating whole planets if possible.

  • Mercenary: It might seem against the principles of a Shii-Cho Knight, but if fighting for credits enables the character to survive to do great things, then getting paid is a necessary evil. Everyone has to eat, weapons cost money, and even a Force user must admit that credits are a form of power in the galaxy, however distasteful that may seem. This Shii-Cho Knight may be careful where the credits come from, but they are realistic about the necessity of payment.

  • Military: Although there has not been a formal organization of Jedi in a generation, a Shii-Cho Knight might hail from a military group that emphasizes melee combat. A Jedi survivor might have spotted the young recruit and offered a new form of training and an alternative path in life, helping the character adapt from vibro weapons to a lightsaber.