Of the 8 Career Skills, choose 4 to get a free rank. Of the 4 Specialization Skills, choose 2 to get a free rank.
Career Skills: This is a purchasable, additional specialization that layers on top of an existing career.
Senator Specialization Skills: Charm, Deception, Knowledge (Education) and Negotiation.
Despite their differing allegiances, Senators for the Republic and Separatist Alliance fulfill similar duties. The Separatist Parliament even mimics the structure of the Galactic Senate, where most members previously served. Senators on both sides have responsibility on their shoulders representing not only their homeworlds, but also their constituents and their respective governments as a whole. These responsibilities often conflict and contradict, even as these politicians face the danger of a fractured government and a relentless enemy.
The Republic Senate has tens of thousands of members representing homeworlds, guilds, federations, and corporate interests. This tends to drown out single voices, so Senators form coalitions and special interest groups to wield collective power. These Senates-in-miniature aim for specific goals, forming and disbanding as needed. For an average citizen, however, these political bodies often appear to do nothing more than selfish politicking.
The Separatist Parliament numbers in the thousands, but its smaller size gives the illusion of direct democracy. Many Senators merely follow their charismatic leader, Count Dooku. Others, alarmed at Republic aggression, follow in step. A few Senators see this as a troubling trend, risking the same sort of corruption they saw in the Galactic Senate.
A good Senator keeps in touch with their constituents—or at least gives this appearance of doing so. They rely on their representatives to inform them of polls, changes in attitude, and potential problems. In ' many ways, a Senator acts as commander of a squad of diplomats and support staff on a mission to advance their homeworld or corporate entity politically, economically, or militarily.
Most Senators have received the best education available on their homeworld and have mastered the full breadth of rhetorical tactics. A successful Senator knows how to relate to their constituents and fellow politicians, when to lay the facts on the table, and when to obfuscate the truth.
Though many Senators in both governments spend the majority of their time in their respective Senates, some prefer a hands-on approach. After all, seeing disparity, atrocity, or disenfranchisement with their own eyes can make a problem more real and make arguments more impassioned. I By traveling to affected worlds, a Senator can get more work done by personally organizing locals, investigating cover-ups, and gathering evidence. When a corrupt Senator is themself the cause of inequity, sometimes catching the criminal requires another Senator. In this case, the actions taken are closer to spy work, as the investigating Senator uses their guile, silver tongue, and status to lead the criminal into a trap and toward justice.