
Of the 6 Career Skills, choose 3 to get a free rank. Of the 4 Specialization Skills, choose 2 to get a free rank.

Mystic Career Skills: Charm, Coercion, Knowledge (Lore), Knowledge (Outer Rim), Perception and Vigilance

Seer Specialization Skills:

A Mystic begins play with a Force rating of 1

Some individuals are able to remain constantly aware of the Force’s presence, even as they go about their daily lives. They recognize its influence in the subtlest of ways. For them, minor ripples in the Force reveal deep meanings and forewarn of critical events far in the future. Elowever, this quantity of information—particularly in environments filled with other sentients—can become overwhelming. Because of this, many who follow the path of the Seer choose to live lives of relative isolation, far from crowded towns and cities.

Successful Seers must be able to maintain focus on daily life even as they also observe the Force, They must learn to recognize a broad range of subtle signs. They must also be prepared to dwell in a potentially hostile environment, apart from civilization, so that they can be spared from information overload.

Among Force-sensitive individuals, Seers are arguably the ones who feel the strongest sense of guidance from the Force. Dwelling within the Force at all times, they can recognize even minor ripples and follow them to their source to stop a small problem from turning into a major crisis. Similarly, they may recognize an event that occurs far away and advise those nearby to take action so they can be prepared well in advance of an upcoming crisis. Seers’ abilities often give them insights into the future, guiding them to places and people who most need their wisdom and advice. This sometimes enables Seers to be in just the right place at the right time to take action that proves to be pivotal.

The challenge for many Seers is to know the best time to move into a civilized area. As their sensitivity can become muddled, they may miss a sign of great import. Consequently, some prefer to remain apart from society for as long as possible, depending on allies to carry their missives. Seldom, however, are others capable of communicating a warning as effectively as the Seer who initially sensed the danger.

Potential Backgrounds

  • Artist: Artistic Seers confused their own ideas with Force-inspired insights. These tortured individuals jotted down these ideas, but words failed to convey the true meaning. This turned into a process of writing and editing that seemed endless, frustrating, and pointless. These writers and poets scribed long polemics eviscerating tyrants or oppressive systems, works of fiction that had a deep seed of truth, or manifestos urging people to rise up. When these writers managed to overcome their own paranoia and fears, they found themselves with a renewed purpose as Seers.

  • Augurs: Seers search for truth. Those who were once augurs may have been classic wise men and women, but others took on professions such as archaeologists, scientists, and reporters. All of these augurs shared an instinctive feeling that the current, common knowledge didn’t tell the full story. Archaeologists dug to reveal a lost past, scientists experimented and observed to find a hidden principle, and reporters researched and interviewed to find an unspoken narrative. It takes very little for augurs to become Seers; they have been seeking truth all their lives.

  • Con Artist: Con artist Seers were fortune-tellers. On more civilized worlds, they served as entertainment; even the audience knew the performances were fake. Using tells, vague phrasing, and even modern techniques such as HoloNet data dives or surveillance devices to eavesdrop before the show, fake Seers pretended to read their audience’s past in order to predict their future. When their predictions had more than a ring of truth in them, these con artists could not deny the source of their insight.

  • Economist: Economic Seers saw planets as pools of water, alternately evaporating (exports) and being fed by a river (imports). The idea of this flow of water tickled... something in the back of their minds. They researched, argued with academics, and bothered experts, all in search of an unseen manipulator filling the pool, carving out the banks, and damming up the flow. When they compiled this knowledge, they saw potential futures that could not be explained with straightforward supply and demand models. They saw the living and breathing Force staring right back at them.

  • Political Expert: Political Seers sought long-term changes and balances. A bit removed from day-to-day politics, they came from academia or governmental analysis groups, or were self-educated intellectuals. They were all united by a common ability: they were able to forecast how a set of laws and systems allowed people the freedom to choose their own path. Yet they kept seeing something else, a greater law pushing and nudging in the background. When they pulled back the final veil, they discovered a vast system, that of the Force.

  • Religious Ecstatics: Most ecstatics tend to have a Seer-like quality; their attraction to sudden, life-changing visions or insights mimicked traditional seers, who used mind-altering substances, isolation, meditation, and deprivation to achieve similar states. Ecstatic Seers spent their lives seeking answers, trying more and more extreme activities—usually something that defied death—to provoke an intense emotional reaction. They achieved a sense of peace when they got in touch with the Force, but they never truly got away from the chaotic and random nature of their visions.