
Of the 8 Career Skills, choose 4 to get a free rank. Of the 4 Specialization Skills, choose 2 to get a free rank.

Diplomat Career Skills: Charm, Deception, Knowledge (Core Worlds), Knowledge (Lore) Knowledge (Outer Rim), Knowledge (Xenology), Leadership and Negotiation

Quartermaster Specialization Skills: Computers, Negotiation, Skulduggery and Vigilance

An old military sayinggoes something like this—"Empty stomachs make for poor soldiers." The Quartermaster's job is to ensure this doesn't happen to the troops he supports. He also must ensure that weapons, ammunition, medical supplies, and everything else needed gets where it should be and into the right hands. Managing the flow of logistics is one of the most difficult tasks in any military organization, and the Quartermaster is the master of it.

Searching and manipulating data to their unit's benefit is a trick many Quartermasters employ, as is finding (and stealing) necessary resources when the cupboards are otherwise bare. Anyone involved in supply is inherently enamored of preparedness at all times.

The greatest commanders in any military place extraordinary emphasis on supply, relying heavily on their Quartermasters to see to it that logistical needs are met at all times. An otherwise-successful campaign will come to a screeching halt, perhaps even degrading into a terrible rout, if supply lines are not maintained and the warriors engaged with the enemy lose access to food, ammunition, and other vital needs. The Quartermaster understands the unique and challenging puzzle of finding, securing, and moving assets, and he seeks to fulfill his unit's needs no matter what is required.

One of the greatest challenges for the Alliance is that of supply; the best Quartermasters in service to the Rebellion are indispensable assets. As long as other Alliance units are not endangered by their actions, Quartermasters are given great leeway in their methods for acquiring needed resources and getting them to the front lines. Many of the best Quartermasters indulge in more than a little larceny, often targeting criminal organizations and even the Empire itself to get what they need.

Potential Backgrounds

  • Imperial Outcast: Quartermasters serve an irreplaceable role in any military organization, the Galactic Empire included. Just as many Imperial soldiers and pilots have deserted in the wake of the horrors the Empire has wrought, so too have many Quartermasters abandoned their posts to fight the evil hegemony they once served.

  • Minority Voice: Relief organizations need to manage logistics in much the same manner as militaries, and so they too employ Quartermasters. While these individuals might be called treasurers, accountants, or financial advisors, it falls them to distribute limited supplies to many in need. The Rebel Alliance maintains strong ties with various relief organizations, and many of its members are active in these linked efforts.

  • Industrialist: Quartermasters who have worked in industry are likely to have managed people and resources, and thus attained experience in getting what their team needs out of a system. While the Rebel Alliance has a much looser structure than most corporations, someone who knows how to work a system is valuable to any combat unit, diplomatic team, or engineering crew.

  • Dissident Artist: Quartermasters with a background in the arts might have been renowned chefs, skilled decorators, or precise architects. Whatever their particular call ing, such individuals invariably bring a unique styles and strong organizational skills to their new vocations.