Jedi General
Of the 6 Career Skills, choose 3 to get a free rank. Of the 4 Specialization Skills, choose 2 to get a free rank.
Jedi Career Skills: Athletics, Cool, Discipline, Knowledge (Lore), Lightsaber and Piloting (Space).
General Specialization Skills: Knowledge (Warfare), Leadership, Piloting (Planetary) and Vigilance
A Jedi begins play with a Force rating of 1
A Jedi’s connection to the Force helps them see the bigger picture and understand the larger objectives in war. Their practice controlling their fear and anger provides a powerful benefit on the battlefield. While the Jedi Council debates the Jedi’s role in the war, certain Jedi step up to take on leadership positions that the Grand Army of the Republic sorely needs. The histories of the Jedi Order piw and Galactic Republic are inseparable. The Jedi have always been on the forefront of conflicts and wars, though not leading armies. The Clone Wars have changed this relationship, but a relative few Jedi truly embody the role of General.
Jedi Generals deal with mundane administrative decisions regarding staffing, equipment and resupply, promotions and training, and even budget requests. They also differ from many strategic officers by taking to the field of battle alongside their troops. These Jedi f’nd their senses more acute on the field than when watching troop movements on a holoprojector. They understand the cost of wai: the destruction, the death, and the fear that the troops must endure.
The war puts the Jedi in a unique position. As an independent body that serves the Republic, the Jedi can make decisions for the good of the Republic while sometimes acting against the decisions of the government, even those of the Supreme Chancellor himself. The Jedi’s true purpose in commanding the clone army is not just to defend the Republic, but also to maintain the ethical standard it represents.
Jedi Generals must protect the lives of civilians first, the welfare of the Republic second, and the lives of their fellow soldiers last. They sometimes take on important missions themselves rather than saddling others with particularly weighty responsibilities. When a situation requires a calculated sacrifice of soldiers’ safety, it is doubly important that Jedi fight on the field. The Jedi cannot risk the lives of others while protecting their own.
The danger of this path lies in the possibility that Jedi Generals will forget their ultimate goal: peace. Jedi Generals must remember that they serve not only the Republic, but their Jedi Code and the galaxy as a whole. They have a responsibility to protect planets and their peoples even as they lead armies to occupy them. The thrill of victory and the rush of adrenaline can cloud the mind of even the most dedicated of Jedi. Victory cannot be the only goal.