Force Adherent

Force Adherent Specialization Skills: Melee, Discipline, Knowledge (Lore) and Vigilance

Force Adherents worship the Force and accept its influence over the galaxy. The Force binds all living things, and those who surrender to this idea are able to reach a level of perception unknown to the common sentient. Even those without sensitivity to the Force have benefited from this acceptance. Through this belief, Force Adherents are capable of overcoming extreme adversity.

Belief in the Force is most commonly associated with the Jedi legends, but multiple cultures throughout the galaxy recognize the same phenomenon. For example, the Lasat, whom many believe to be extinct, worship the Ashla, a personification of the light side of the Force, and acknowledge the Bogan, a personification of the dark side of the Force. Gand findsmen utilize techniques that outsiders view as directly related to the Force as well. For these cultures, the idea of the Force, however it is represented, is an accepted part of their identity. While it is natural for members from these groups to worship the Force, others from outside these cultures are drawn to Force worship as well.

For sentients seeking purpose, turning to the Force can provide guidance. Whether their seeking is triggered by a general sense of meaninglessness or a specific, personal loss, the idea of the Force is a reassuring constant. For these individuals, the rituals, practices, and holy places of Force worship give direction. Making pilgrimages to established Force locations like Jedha, for instance, is frequently an integral part of these Force Adherents’ journeys. However, not all Force Adherents come to their worship for meaning or guidance.

To those who have seen or heard about the incredible deeds of Force-users, such as the Jedi, worship of the Force tantalizes with the possibility of unlocking that strength. Unfortunately for those who seek this power, not all individuals are sensitive to the Force. Regardless, those who pursue Force worship earnestly find a strength they can unlock within themselves.

By developing their understanding of the Force, Force Adherents become more in tune with the galaxy. Even if they cannot tap into the Force directly, they learn to listen to the life around them; where most sentients hear only noise, Force Adherents hear the spiritual call and response of the entire range of beings in the area. In addition, Force Adherents’ meditative contemplation and training allow them to push their bodies past normal limitations. An unwavering belief in the providence of the Force can even eliminate fear of failure, because all is as the Force wills it.

Force Adherents’ worship and training make them more-than-capable fighters, and their knowledge of the Force is practically unrivaled. Due to their enhanced perceptions and reflexes, they are capable of anticipating opponents’ actions in combat. They excel at evading attacks and delivering precise blows. Challenges to Force Adherents are challenges to the flow of the Force itself.