
Of the 6 Career Skills, choose 3 to get a free rank. Of the 4 Specialization Skills, choose 2 to get a free rank.

Seeker Career Skills: Charm, Coercion, Knowledge (Lore), Knowledge (Outer Rim), Perception and Vigilance

Executioner Specialization Skills: Discipline, Melee, Perception and Ranged (Heavy)

A Mystic begins play with a Force rating of 1

Seekers often focus on survival in hostile settings where they must rely solely on their own abilities. Such selfreliance can also be reflected in their combat abilities, as each shot or strike must end a battle as swiftly as possible. Merely wounding or dissuading a foe is not sufficient in these cases, as often only one party can leave the encounter alive. Executioners embody this focus on precise lethality. Many become feared across systems for their effective means of eliminating any threat that requires removal. Determining which threats deserve their deadly and personal attention, though, can make for complex judgement calls. Such decisions and the methods by which they render them can also lead Executioners down the path to the dark side.

Executioners are perhaps the embodiment of the Seeker career as apex predator, and they excel at the art of death. While other careers and specializations can produce effective fighters, Executioners are more concerned with maximizing the damage they inflict to ensure a quick, definitive end to their conflicts. Given their emerging connection to the Force, there are few who can match these lethal characters’ ability to achieve this goal.

Others might view Executioners as brutal killers, but this is a simplistic view. Killing is often the outcome of combat, but Executioners might attempt to avoid conflict altogether, as their aim is only for a fatal end for their target. This could even mean a target is eliminated by long-range fire or a decisive lightsaber strike before even becoming aware of any danger. When eliminating one saves hundreds of others or frees entire villages from suffering, many Executioners see their work as perhaps distasteful, but certainly necessary.

Executioners are not always grim, dispassionate assassins, though many are driven by intellect rather than emotion. Some may can view their calling as a righteous one, celebrating each threat they remove before it can harm others. Others might see each lethal act as a step toward redemption for past sins. Inflicting death should never be an easy act, k however. Those who trivialize it or become too emotionally attached to their goals are at risk of becoming enthralled by the dark side of the Force—which some Executioners might not realize until far too late.

Potential Backgrounds

  • Exile: Executioners are most likely to be exiles for one of two reasons: having killed targets whom others did not wish to see die, or in pursuit of targets whom they cannot tolerate to live. In the former case, Executioners might have fled retribution or the reach of the law, or they might have quietly left before their handiwork came to light. In the latter instance, their targets could be anyone from an elusive personal nemesis to a threat to the home they left behind.

  • Quester: Questing Executioners don’t move from goal to goal so much as from target to target. As stories of the latest Imperial atrocity or Hutt excess spread, Executioners can find motivation to move on to new destinations in which to practice their deadly arts. Such exploits might make others uneasy, but the nature of such work means Executioners are rarely in one place long enough for matters to come to a head—except where they bring that about.

  • Recluse: Across many untamed worlds and remote backwaters, life is cheap. The Force may be present in all living beings, but if they cannot defend themselves against the dangers around them, they won’t be living beings for long. The harshness of these environments usually means living by a simple code: kill or be killed. Seekers born to such a life often become Executioners, adapting their prowess with the Force to the lifestyle their upbringing taught them. They might use their skills to protect others, trying to end the need for their continued intervention by slaying once and for all the threats drove them to take up their path. However, such altruism might not come easily to them; they could settle for simply being the deadliest being around, daring anyone else to challenge them.

  • Survivor: Like all sentients, Force users can have extreme reactions to life-and-death struggles. Some hide, some flee, and some confront the threat head-on. Seekers who become accustomed to treading the last of these paths sometimes take a more proactive approach as Executioners, adopting a killor- be-ki I led attitude toward the threats that come their way. These Seekers must be careful not to misjudge a threat, or they risk falling to the dark side through indiscriminate violence. Those who wish to stay on the right side of the line between avenger and murderer must learn discipline and prudence along with their more lethal skills.

  • Wanderer: Some Executioners are troubled by their talent for killing, whether out of guilt, or simply because they don’t have the patience for the aftermath. They may travel the galaxy in hopes of evading any unforeseen consequences of their actions, or to stay ahead of their conscience. Unfortunately, their skills have ways of finding uses, and their path across the galaxy may rapidly become a trail of bodies. Whether the dead are justly slain or simply victims varies from Seeker to Seeker, but many such journeys end up leading to the dark side.