Ataru Striker

Of the 6 Career Skills, choose 3 to get a free rank. Of the 4 Specialization Skills, choose 2 to get a free rank.

Seeker Career Skills: Charm, Coercion, Knowledge (Lore), Knowledge (Outer Rim), Perception and Vigilance

Ataru Striker Specialization Skills: Athletics, Coordination, Lightsaber and Perception

A Mystic begins play with a Force rating of 1

When working alone in a hostile environment, every physical conflict must be resolved quickly and decisively. Frequently, an uncivilized planet completely lacks any sort of medical facilities. In fact, at times, an isolated explorer could be the only sentient being on the world. In such a situation, a minor injury can be deadly. If a conflict is necessary, it is better to resolve it quickly, taking whatever risks are involved, than to fight more conservatively and prolong the risk of injury. The Ataru Striker embraces this approach, throwing himself into combat with every fiber of his being.

Their fighting style is highly dependent on the combatant’s ability to quickly assess a situation and use natural athleticism to exploit the environment. In this way, the combatant is able to gain every possible advantage over an opponent. The combination of these edges and the rapid attacks that characterize Ataru martial arts can force a combat to a very quick resolution.

Practitioners of the Ataru fighting style must be supremely confident in their abilities. They must also be exceptionally athletic and capable of committing all their energy into a very brief conflict. When engaged in a physical conflict, Ataru Strikers fight without remorse but also with little concern for their own safety. Every motion is designed to inflict a flurry of rapid and overpowering attacks against their opponents from myriad angles. Their vicious and unrelenting offense is their best (and sometimes only) defense—most opponents are so busy defending themselves that they have no time to attack in turn.

However, this style of unrelenting attack can have its disadvantages. An Ataru Striker needs to see his opponent defeated quickly, before he exhausts himself. An individual who can outlast an Ataru Striker can prove to be his deadliest enemy.

Potential Backgrounds

  • Exile: Characters exiled from their home onto the path of the Ataru Striker may have been forced to leave after some violent act or conflict made them unwelcome or even feared by those around them. Although Ataru Strikers understand that decisive action is often necessary, those around them can be less accepting, especially if evidence of their Force use came to light in the conflict. Alternatively, they may have had to flee from Imperial forces after showing too much open interest in Jedi techniques and lightsaber forms.

  • Quester: There is always work to be done by capable individuals with the willingness and skills to act. Ruffians might need to be driven from a cantina looking for greater respectability, or pirates removed from a system desiring reliable trade. No strangers to conflict, Ataru Strikers might spend their lives traveling from place to place, resolving strife by combat prowess before moving on to the next town or planet in need of a strong arm backed by a strong will.

  • Recluse: Far from the security of the Core Worlds, danger thrives. In the remote regions of the galaxy, self-defense can be a way of life. Ataru Strikers have internalized the dangers that surround them, readying themselves to leap into action or a fight for their lives at a moment’s notice. Some Ataru Strikers might even have trained with an actual lightsaber or learned to master lightsaber forms in their solitude, away from the Empire’s watchful eyes.

  • Survivor: Ataru Strikers aren’t strangers to conflict and struggle, but some fight tougher battles than most. Whether too headstrong to stop and pick their fights, or too determined to give up against tough odds, these warriors are used to being underdogs—and used to finding a way to win anyway. Even so, they rarely last long in the galaxy without learning restraint, even if they never master the art of concession, at least not with the Empire keeping an eye out for such figures.

  • Wanderer: No matter where Seekers go in the galaxy, there is never a shortage of bullies, toughs, or villains. Because of this, Seekers who travel the galaxy often develop the skills of Ataru Strikers, whether to defend themselves against those who see newcomers as easy meat, or to bring justice and protection to each new locale they visit. Even though they don’t remain in one place for long, the memory of their deeds tends to linger in the minds of those who see Ataru Strikers in action, shaping the galaxy for good or ill years after they have moved on.