Of the 6 Career Skills, choose 3 to get a free rank. Of the 4 Specialization Skills, choose 2 to get a free rank.
Mystic Career Skills: Charm, Coercion, Knowledge (Lore), Knowledge (Outer Rim), Perception and Vigilance
Alchemist Specialization Skills: Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (Xenology), Medicine and Resilience
A Mystic begins play with a Force rating of 1
During the era of the Galactic Republic, the Jedi Order never embraced alchemy. Various spiritual orders that had worked in alchemy also allied with the dark side of the Force. The Sith, the Nightsisters of Dathomir, and the Frangawl Cult on Bardotta all used the dark side to power their weapons, talismans, and magicks. Whether or not the Jedi thought that alchemy led to the dark side of the Force has been lost to time. Perhaps the Order felt that giving life to the inanimate, pouring the Force into a dead object, replicated the act of giving life, of giving birth, or of playing god, and would cause the Jedi to become prideful.
With the rise of the Empire and the loss of the Jedi Order, now no one can warn a potential Alchemist away from practicing this lost art. This might be just as well. Just like any technology, it isn’t the object but the user that makes it good or bad, light or dark, useful or destructive. In addition, the Force flows through everything, even inanimate objects. Rocks have a measure of the Force in them. How else could a Jedi move them? With that reasoning, nothing should prevent a Jedi from imbuing a machine with the Force, save the Jedi’s own fears, hatred, and obsessions.
The Jedi built their own lightsabers not only for ritual or training purposes, but to infuse a bit of their own essence into the weapon. The Jedi consciously and deliberately built these weapons both as a technical test and as a meditative test. It could be argued that a lightsaber contains the presence of its creator—and perhaps its user(s).
Force alchemy extends this idea and discipline further, crafting physical objects infused with the power of the Force. These objects appear to have a life of their own, and in the eyes of a Force sensitive, perhaps they do. This creates a metaphysical conundrum: if an object possesses a measure of the Force, how is it different from a living being?
Alchemists tend to focus on medicinal concoctions, since the healing of a physical body is the most direct method of using and influencing the Force. The flow of a medicine, tincture, salve, or draught mimics the flow of the Force. Alchemists can work in other materials, but this requires more training and attention. A malformed or malfunctioning machine can’t be fixed with an infusion of the Force. In many ways, it might exacerbate the damage.
Folk tales and popular holovids of machines coming to life and terrorizing their creators and innocents may be based on true stories of Alchemists who fell to the dark side of the Force. Force-infused objects can be tortured as much as any living creature. When the Alchemist is a dark side user, alchemical machines take on a sinister and dangerous aura, “malfunctioning” to cause harm or, in the case of a weapon, increasing suffering when it does cause harm.
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